Example sentences of "it [verb] to be acknowledged that " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , the structure and mode of operation of mixed professional — paraprofessional teams will vary from one setting to another and it needs to be acknowledged that in a variety of situations it would be an inappropriate social service practice model .
2 It needs to be acknowledged that Hoyle takes a very wide view of what constitutes a school 's ‘ organisational character ’ or ‘ deep structure ’ .
3 Equally it has to be acknowledged that misguided and failed protest has added to the sum of human misery .
4 Yet it has to be acknowledged that his glimpses of absolute Truth came to him through his understanding of , and his faith in , the specific content or the essential teaching of his own religious tradition despite its imperfections .
5 Sometimes this way of working is just what health workers have been looking for , but it has to be acknowledged that such an approach does not fit easily with the conventional mode of western medicine and what we have described as the medical model .
6 2.1 It has to be acknowledged that physical restraint implies the use of force , albeit in a non aggressive way .
7 It has to be acknowledged that there is some potential risk attaching to this , particularly where the buyers are covenanting with the sellers , but such risk appears to be part of the price that conveyancers are prepared to pay for working within the commercial pressures in the modern conveyancing market .
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