Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] following the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A major responsibility , particularly in the hours following the blast , was to help reduce panic by providing as much information as possible concerning the dead and injured , and those who were missing or left homeless .
2 In the decades following the death of Richard Wilson in 1782 , the beauties of the Principality were re-discovered by a new generation of artists including J. Inigo Richards , Anthony Devis , J. C. Ibbetson , Copley Fielding , William Daniell and David Cox .
3 The Tokyo stock market staged a limited recovery in the days following the discovery of the scandal , but trade remained generally at much lower levels than in recent years as the depression which had gripped the market since the start of 1989 continued its course .
4 In the days following the Frolic , life dropped into a dull routine which Jess welcomed .
5 Mr Zeman was sharply attacked in the official news media in the days following the publication of his views , which he followed up with an article in the most important samizdat newspaper , Lidove Noviny .
6 It seemed that in the days following the Earl 's death , his children displayed a hardness that even surprised me .
7 In the days following the crash controversy arose over the Indian authorities ' refusal to allow European investigators access to either the " black box " cockpit voice recordings or the digital flight recorder .
8 Although , the Ministry of Correctional Services claimed that all political prisoners had been released , at least three acknowledged political prisoners were freed in the days following the launch of the campaign .
9 In the days following the coup soldiers opened fire on hundreds of civilians in different sectors of Port-au-Prince , including Cité Soleil and Lamentin 54 , and in other parts of the country , leaving hundreds head and wounded .
10 But it ca n't be denied that in the days following the concert — which was seen by one-and-a-half billion people all over the world groups watched their LPs , new and old , surge healthily up the charts , taking their bank balances to new heights .
11 In the days following the attempt , sources said that some of those detained also were killed .
12 The verbal instructions are important — they will act as reminders in the days following the lesson and help the pupil to inhibit his natural tendency to slip back into the old habits .
13 At first , the Lord Chief Justice 's pronouncements appeared to have had the desired effect , as the average length of prison sentences imposed on males aged 17 and above for indictable offences fell in both the magistrates ' court and the Crown Court in the months following the cases of R. v.
14 At times , in the months following the return from Germany , he had actively hated it and all the people who did belong .
15 In the months following the ND election victory in April 1990 there was a boom in the Greek stock market , which was hailed as one of the world 's most promising " emerging markets " .
16 As part of the disestablishment of the CPCz , the matrix of party organizations in the economic , political , social and security spheres was dissolved in the months following the November revolution .
17 But in the months following the diagnosis , Mrs Henry found that it was not only a life-threatening disease that she had to contend with .
18 In the months following the end of the civil war , parliament 's New Model Army , which contained large numbers of soldiers who had rejected the Presbyterian establishment in favour of greater religious toleration , grew steadily more and more disenchanted with its masters .
19 Such was the message put across by Francoist propaganda in the months following the end of hostilities .
20 In the centuries following the Conquest there gradually developed separate styles of penmanship for the two main purposes for which calligraphy was employed .
21 In the weeks following the battle , Ethiopian aircraft made repeated bombing raids on Massawa , which included the use of napalm , according to foreign aid workers .
22 In the weeks following the dinner Lutyens swiftly drew up an elaborate set of plans .
23 In the weeks following the engagement she had grown in confidence and self-assurance , her sense of humour frequently bubbling to the surface .
24 They have increasingly been applied by ordinary church members in the years following the Council .
25 Both the Keynes effect and the real-balance effect were to form the essential ingredients of the professional consensus which emerged in the years following the publication of the General Theory known as the neo-classical synthesis .
26 In the years following the publication of the General Theory , doubts started to be expressed about Keynes 's favourable attitude towards the classical theory of the demand for labour .
27 During this period she fostered , in association with the Child Guidance Service , the establishment of a team of teachers to provide extra help in Edinburgh primary schools for pupils with learning difficulties : a pioneer concept which was to become more fully implemented in the years following the publication in 1978 of the Warnock Report on Pupils with Special Educational Needs .
28 It was always envisaged that the House of Lords would use the freedom to depart from its own previous decisions sparingly , but in the years following the Practice Statement the potential impact of the new freedom was narrowed by the addition of a series of riders .
29 But in no Western country so far , other than in the years following the end of a war , has there been a major permanent reduction in the role of the state .
30 An exhibition of Max Ernst 's most important period , covering his work as a Dada artist in Cologne after 1912 and in Paris in the years following the end of World War I , opens at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , in the middle of this month ( 14 March-2 May ) .
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