Example sentences of "regardless of [art] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But this was surely one occasion that , for the good of the game , the benefit of the doubt must surely have been given to England , regardless of the word of the law .
2 They mistakenly believe they have got a God given right to survive and prosper , regardless of the state of the nation , the latest jobs crisis or more mundane matters like League standing .
3 The most important thing to emphasise is that , regardless of the attitude of the glider , if it is not responding to moving back on the stick or if the stick is hitting the back stop , a forward movement must be made to allow the glider to unstall .
4 As long as the Bill goes through Committee and receives a Third Reading , the King 's Cross project will go ahead regardless of the timing of the link between the channel tunnel and London .
5 The Bishop of Gloucester claimed in June 1988 that ‘ wealth gained regardless of the welfare of the rest of the community is difficult to justify ’ .
6 The stimuli having undergone differentiation should be , and remain more , discriminable , regardless of the fate of the associations they may have acquired .
7 This is regardless of the character of the bidder or the possibly depressing prospects for the company under the new management .
8 Conversely , if the right hemisphere can not perform the task at all but has to send the probe stimulus to the left hemisphere for a comparison with memory items then the relative disadvantage in reaction time for the right hemisphere should be constant regardless of the size of the memory set .
9 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
10 This should obviously lead to an improvement in the situation but regardless of the size of the corpus there will always be some transitions that are not found .
11 Whereas any belief can be anchored , regardless of the content of the belief , only certain sons of belief could be said to be objectified .
12 In contrast to the Merger Regulation , that only subjects to EC scrutiny mergers having what is known as a ‘ Community dimension , and exceeding a certain threshold , the proposed Directive will apply to any general bid for the shares of any public company in a member state , regardless of the origin of the bid .
13 If the persons are resident in the United Kingdom they are chargeable to tax regardless of the location of the income source .
14 Under TA 1988 , s18(1) tax charges arise under Schedule D on persons residing in the United Kingdom regardless of the location of the source of the income .
15 Using psychoanalytical theory , Mulvey argued that narrative fiction film constructs a male gaze , regardless of the gender of the individual spectator .
16 If women are refused credit because of some credit-worthiness factor ( say , not having a full-time job ) which applies more often to them than to men , that is lawful only if that credit-worthiness factor can be shown to be a justifiable reason for withholding credit regardless of the sex of the applicant .
17 This is achieved by assigning a higher weight to the actual terms in the search than to any see also terms , regardless of the direction of the relation .
18 Since the official language of the court was English , all testimony in other languages was translated regardless of the composition of the jury .
19 This key deletes all characters in the field , regardless of the position of the cursor ( except for those characters built into the field , called ‘ field marker characters ’ ) .
20 As soon as prisoners had been poured into the particular patch of ground which was to be their camp , all this activity materialized from nothing ; and it materialized in every camp regardless of the nationality of the prisoners .
21 The residential worker is viewed and , indeed , may view himself or herself , as in loco parentis regardless of the maturity of the resident and adopts attitudes accordingly .
22 Dr Gerson became convinced that the treatment helped the body to heal itself , regardless of the nature of the disease .
23 Regardless of the nature of the contract , damages may be awarded for all losses caused by the breach , subject to the general requirement that damages must not be too remote ( Hadley v Baxendale ( 1854 ) 23 LJ Ex 179 ) and that plaintiffs must take reasonable steps to mitigate their losses .
24 Any person who requests environmental information , regardless of nationality , regardless of the reason for the request .
25 The Revenue contended that regardless of the amount of the capital appointed each appointee was liable on the full amount of the trust income so that the Crown was entitled to as many times the tax on the income as appointees year by year .
26 If there are too many hypotheses with the same or very similar scores , and the cost of the path increases with its length then the algorithm will explore the search space on a broad front , regardless of the accuracy of the estimate .
27 Penfield and Roberts concluded from their data that " the left hemisphere is usually dominant for speech regardless of the handedness of the individual with the exception of those who have cerebral injuries early in life " .
28 He wore a T-shirt regardless of the season of the year and kept his hair cropped short enough to reveal the half-dozen tiny scars on his head where the stubble would n't grow .
29 If REAL estate agents are genuinely concerned about the cost to the public , then I look forward to the introduction by the estate agents of a fixed fee of £250 for estate agency , regardless of the value of the property !
30 It belongs to us as individuals regardless of the power of the State or the claims of the State .
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