Example sentences of "surrounded by a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Being surrounded by a supportive network of friends has always given the Happy Mondays the edge in the bullshit world of the music industry .
2 The chief clerk was working there , surrounded by a veritable sea of paper ; memoranda , notes , bills , letters and indentures .
3 While nestling behind your drink in the upstairs bar you are surrounded by a veritable rainforest of shrubs and plants — with a great view of Belfast Lough .
4 They consist simply of a core of DNA , surrounded by a protective coat of protein .
5 Brassicas , for example , can then be netted against pigeons , or carrots surrounded by a low fence of plastic sheeting to repel root fly .
6 It was surrounded by a narrow area of brown pigmentation .
7 Surrounded by a small mountain of ‘ green ’ diapers — made with non-chlorine bleached paper and photo-sensitive plastic — Isaacs told viewers , ‘ If you must use disposable diapers , then use this one ’ .
8 That , roughly speaking , amounted to a community of scholars surrounded by a small number of dedicated , respectful and conscientious students eager to catch pearls of wisdom from their professor 's lips .
9 Michael Heseltine was surrounded by a small crowd of Tory ladies , the boldest of whom kept fingering the lapels of his suit .
10 The car had been surrounded by a small crowd of technically minded Romanians .
11 The animals need more energy to propel themselves if the water around them is turbulent rather than laminar and Blake predicts that dolphins are able to reach crossover speeds even if surrounded by a turbulent layer of water .
12 They are surrounded by a new aura of meaning ’ ( 1965 : 129 ) .
13 To preserve the ivory from becoming brittle and cracking , the statue was surrounded by a shallow pool of water which , besides reflecting the light upwards on to the statue , maintained the humidity high in the naos .
14 Very often the swim you have chosen will not need any modification whatsoever , but on lakes where the banks are swampy and surrounded by a wide belt of rushes some preparation in the close season is necessary .
15 It was matched in the East by Sir Edward Dalyngrydge 's creation at Bodiam , ‘ crenellated ’ in 1385 , a great square surrounded by a wide moat on the upper reaches of the Rother .
16 These were surrounded by a starched frill of Honiton lace , which was supported by a stiff disc of white paper and held in place by wire , wrapped with tissue and bound with ribbon .
17 After a while they clapped , and then his sister walked on to the low platform that was surrounded by a frothy sea of pink and white azalea plants .
18 On the night I turned up in my red leotard and dippy skirt with a heavier than usual coat of paint on , to find , to my horror , that Cleo Roccas of Kenny Everett fame and a young lady much featured on Page 3 , called Gilly , I think , were already up on the stage , surrounded by a sixty-strong swarm of Street of Shame photographers , all climbing up each other 's anoraks and screaming ‘ Lean forward , Cleo — a bit further , give us a smile , lick your lips , Gilly — lovely , lovely — hitch that skirt up a bit … ’
19 ‘ I am surrounded by a synthetic world of fantasy that I live in , ’ Johnnie tells this paper on his first visit to the UK , the first of a million metaphysical whingeings to be directed towards the NME .
20 A vacuole is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm which acts as a semi-permeable membrane .
21 Many were surrounded by a thin mantle of small lymphocytes .
22 I was afflicted with diarrhoea — and directed to the communal latrine , which consisted of eight holes in the ground surrounded by a large enclosure of bamboo walls .
23 It 's surrounded by a large volume of air is n't it ?
24 After all , the Minister is surrounded by a large number of them on the Conservative Benches .
25 Rolling white sand dunes surrounded by a large oasis of swaying palm trees with a square fort in the middle .
26 She watched as Callum wove his way through the various clusters of people and found her eyes irresistibly drawn to the corner where Luke stood , surrounded by a large group of his friends .
27 The disk is round , covered with plates which on the dorsal side of the disk are surrounded by a single row of rounded granules .
28 They consist of a copper core , which carries the signal , surrounded by a braided mesh of fine copper wire .
29 Each real animal is surrounded by a little cluster of neighbours , most of whom have never existed , but a few of whom are its ancestors , its descendants and its cousins .
30 Tom Tedder and Corbett Farraday were muttering by the door which led into the main school ; the headmaster , towering yet crumpled , was surrounded by a little group of teachers in the centre of his hall ; and by the door leading to the boarding quarters Mrs Crumwallis was going over the events of the night before with her cook , Mrs Garfitt .
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