Example sentences of "assuming [conj] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Using partial equilibrium analysis , and assuming that a non-member country is considering participation in an existing CU , an evaluation of the welfare effects is possible using the traditional concepts of producer and consumer surplus .
2 If the victim were a masochist or if the defendant and the victim were involved in sado-masochism , will the prosecution be able to establish that the assault was committed with the intention of having sexual intercourse , assuming that the requisite intent is ‘ purposive and not foresightful ’ as Dr. Woods suggests .
3 The object is to establish the change in hours supply to the labour market ta ; H as a result of a change in wages δW , which , other things equal , generates an income effect ( y ) and a substitution effect ( s ) , as follows ( assuming that the only tax is the introduction of a proportional one on labour income and it is this that is causing the change in W :
4 Assuming that the ultimate disclosure is made at the same time under either rule , they receive only $50 for their share without insider trading .
5 ‘ Or , ’ she added with deliberate coquetry , ‘ am I mistaken in assuming that the light-fingered Lotta is no longer a part of your — er — personal life ? ’
6 We may , in fact , reinterpret any of the diagrams of Figs ( 2.25 ) -(2.31) by assuming that the whole space is filled with a material of conductivity unc and the field lines are now the lines of current flow as well .
7 The very way that news stories and programmes about mental handicap are reported falls into the same trap of assuming that the whole subject is sad and despairing , mainly because the journalists and broadcasters possess the same lack of understanding as their viewers .
8 Popular misconceptions often stem from assuming that the national debt is analogous with private debt , which is true for external government debt but not for internal debt :
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