Example sentences of "walk [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 SECURITY lapses at Frankfurt airport that let a hijacker walk on to a jet with a gun hidden under his hat will be tracked down , the German government pledged yesterday .
2 In three hours we managed to get the contractors to build an earth ramp , roll it flat , cover it with gravel and put a handrail alongside so that people could walk down from the road to a flat area beside the ceremony site .
3 A counsel was held lots were who should walk up to the master after supper that evening and ask for more , it fell Oliver Twist
4 I 'd walk up to the corner of Mill Street — a very scruffy street , and there was a gang of fellers standing on the corner and some of them were sitting on the pub sill and others standing around .
5 Let us walk back to the tavern as if there is nothing wrong . ’
6 ‘ I 'll walk back to the stables with you , ’ she suggested .
7 She watched her mother walk out of the kitchen as if in a trance and a few seconds later Carla was nestled in her granny 's arms .
8 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
9 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
10 They will happily walk about in the drizzle with a pink ice-axe , lime-green gaiters , a purple , yellow and turquoise rucksack , blue and orange kagoul , red breeches and a hat with the Union Jack on it .
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