Example sentences of "liable to be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They urged that there was a ‘ need for accurate and complete information in an area of social policy all too liable to be affected by partial research , individual cases and anecdotal evidence' ( para. 255 ) .
2 Visits by RCM workers were liable to be resented by foster parents — not necessarily because they had anything to hide , but because they felt their housekeeping and parental capabilities were being questioned .
3 The term is used to distinguish citizens from ‘ aliens ’ who suffer certain disabilities such as having no right to remain in the country , being liable to be deported in certain circumstances , often not being entitled to vote ( though Commonwealth citizens and citizens of the Republic of Ireland resident in this country do have the vote ) or to receive state benefits .
4 The net effect was that while Labour 's electoral support did not collapse , it became less deeply rooted , and more liable to be swayed by conjunctural influences .
5 The Home Secretary will no doubt give his consent , if otherwise the decisions of junior ministers are liable to be quashed on judicial review .
6 Any upgrading of skills in Third World TNC production is liable to be challenged by home-country constituencies , at the same time as it is welcomed by those in the host country .
7 Instead , the governance of academic institutions is liable to be reduced to mere technique , under the control of managers with an eye on the bottom line .
8 While I agree that orders made under section 6(2) and section 61(1) must be restricted to their proper restitutionary purpose , it is not , in my opinion , right to emasculate the restitutionary remedy available against persons ‘ knowingly concerned ’ on the ground that they are not liable to be subjected to compensatory remedies .
9 He found that he was now sensitive to a new series of demands and worries and was liable to be hurt in new ways , and he suffered moments with a sense of futility .
10 One final point on the relationship of social class to crime : it may not be low social class in itself which is associated with crime , but rather that low social class is liable to be linked with other factors , perhaps parental criminality , deprivation or inadequacy of some kind , which might predispose individuals brought up in certain social classes toward criminality .
11 In many respects the urban working class appeared to share some of the characteristics of young people : they were indisciplined , disordered , volatile , emotional , and liable to be subverted through undesirable influences , not least of which was their own collective personality .
12 And all single or childless women between twenty and thirty were liable to be directed to essential war work of some kind as we can see here erm com coming to the factories erm there 's a woman there driving a tank another one on er a gu a gun sight .
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