Example sentences of "increases [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 GOVERNMENT plans to slash subsidies for British Rail 's South-east commuter and provincial services threaten to bring vast increases in rail fares in the 1990s .
2 The biggest increases in growth rate between the two periods , however , occurred largely in counties situated at a greater distance from London , namely ( in rank order ) Northamptonshire , Isle of Wight , Lincolnshire , Dyfed , Gloucestershire , Devon , Dorset and Hereford & Worcester .
3 The cuts , which emerged in the new British Rail corporate plan for the early 1990s , will mean substantial real increases in passenger fares for the foreseeable future , more one-off sales of railway property , fewer jobs and substitution of rail services with buses insome rural areas .
4 These changes have led to significant increases in labour productivity on the railways , despite the falling tendency of rail traffic .
5 Such mergers do not necessarily confer great increases in market power to the firms involved and are often intended to guarantee supply of component parts or a secure outlet for sales .
6 Placed in the top four universities in terms of financial support from the Universities Funding Council ( UFC ) , Bristol has received funding from the UFC this year to support the second largest increases in student numbers in the country — some 17% .
7 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
8 Welch implies that to account for the apparent increases in zooplankton biomass over the past 30 years in the North Pacific without a marked concomitant increase in phytoplankton biomass ( as reflected by chlorophyll ) , phytoplankton productivity must have increased .
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