Example sentences of "making sure [that] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've got to the situation then where erm we are making sure that nobody is gon na put us in a position whereby they can cause us problems .
2 But what we 're doing is making sure that ours is gon na be the best there like you know .
3 Maintaining control over which is the most up-to-date version of the document can be a problem unless there 's centralized organization , logging who 's done what and making sure that everyone 's working on the right version .
4 It 's not just making sure that the notes harmonise , it 's making sure that they 're attacked in a similar manner .
5 These papers suggest that the profession has some distance to travel before recognising that an enlightened self interest would have it advertising for complaints and making sure that they were investigated independently .
6 Also for the audio tour and generally for making sure that everything is kept on an even keel historically and that people keep on the right lines .
7 I was just making sure that everything was covered . ’
8 I think mostly erm , I think that the audits have gone erm , very well actually erm , people are following the procedures and they are at times , they are a little bit slipping up erm , enquiries seem to be an area and filling in the enquiry form properly and making sure that it is copied to the divisional enquiry file erm , a few people fell down on that erm , but in most cases the procedures were followed virtually to a letter .
9 Financial arrangements have to be discussed as well , and the matter of her contribution to the household expenses has to be agreed upon , making sure that she is left with enough money each month for her clothing , personal expenses and pocket money .
10 Making sure that you are fishing fairly .
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