Example sentences of "get [art] lot [prep] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We get a lot of donations from relatives and friends of people we have nursed here and we have kept a record of them over the last few years , ’ said Mrs Deidre Shaw , administrator for the appeal .
2 I get a lot of enjoyment from doing it , this is the biggest we 've been involved in and we 're all having a good time .
3 ‘ I get a lot of laughs from everyone who sees me , especially when I 'm going across long grass and all they can see is an airline captain coming towards them at great speed with exhaust smoke coming from my rear end .
4 I said I get a lot of enquiries from frustrated knitters on this point and I can well understand their frustration .
5 ‘ They are entertaining and patient creatures and I get a lot of pleasure from them .
6 Young children get a lot of pleasure from using the costumes and re-enacting ( and adapting ) in their own play what they have seen older children doing .
7 And you can nae get away from it , you get a lot of business from them things .
8 Well er yes I think , cos they get a lot of pupils from there
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