Example sentences of "particular [noun sg] at [art] particular time " in BNC.

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1 Consideration should be given to whether the internal advertising of management posts would identify those staff who were willing to be considered for a move to a particular branch at a particular time .
2 It is assumed that for every action the operator has a purpose , the choice of the particular action at the particular time or point in the sequence is triggered by some other event , usually the successful completion of an action is indicated by a particular information presentation which also is noted on the chart .
3 Bem and Locksley and Colten agree that sex-role inventories express ideas of gender in a particular community at a particular time , and so display built-in constraints and obsolescence ( Bell and Schaffer 1984 ) .
4 Programmes are booked in advance for a particular room at a particular time and are then " broadcast " into that room as prearranged .
5 Take the flipping , a particular or token event which occurred only in a particular place at a particular time , to be f , and the starting to be 5 .
6 Singular statements , unlike a second class of statements that we will meet shortly , refer to a particular occurrence or state of affairs at a particular place at a particular time .
7 Life was faster , demands changed more quickly , and people were included because they met a particular need at a particular time .
8 There remains the more fundamental question of why it should befall a particular person at a particular time and place .
9 ( The same , actually , is true of a press campaign , but there is no reason to simplify , since the appearance of an ad in a particular paper at a particular time is determined , whereas the actual TV buying pattern needs to be left flexible . )
10 To argue over the logic or truth of an idea in absolute terms is to explore the nature of belief itself , but for an historian of ideas what is most interesting is ‘ who held a particular belief at a particular time and what needs it fulfilled for them .
11 Nevertheless there is at least one sense in which The Lord of the Rings can claim ‘ mythic ’ status , which is as ‘ a story embodying the deepest feelings of a particular society at a particular time ’ .
12 Plainly , there is no compelling linguistic reason why , in a particular language at a particular time , loss of a segment should be considered less beautiful or less ‘ correct ’ than its insertion .
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