Example sentences of "can be traced [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consider , though , a case in which a given enterprise is unwilling to invest because of low expected profitability , yet this low prospective profitability can be traced neither to faulty managerial calculations , nor to foreign competition of a kind justifying protection , nor to the failure of an identified ‘ need ’ for the enterprise 's product to register as monetary demand , nor to internal competition from other enterprises operating a more intensive exploitation of labour .
2 As the modern term for this genre the word fabliau can be traced back to scholarly writing of the seventeenth century .
3 Hospitals were to become a setting later in the decade for ‘ Doctor ’ films , ‘ Carry Ons ’ and such tepid dramas as Behind the Mask ( 1958 ) , but the genre can be traced back to White Corridors ( 1951 ) where , amidst the routine romantic squabbles , and an occasional lecture on the working of the NHS , two strong stories evolve : a researcher develops a drug that will kill infections resistant to penicillin and his lover secures herself a registrar 's post against nepotistic competition , by skilfully operating on a patient her rival has misdiagnosed .
4 The authoritarian philosophy can be traced back to sixteenth-century England , where strict controls were imposed on the publication of what were regarded by the king and his advisers as seditious pamphlets and journals .
5 These stages , linked to the known planets , can be traced back through medieval literature to the ancients .
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