Example sentences of "be regarded [prep] [art] corporate [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
2 A Specimen Corporate Finance engagement letter is set out in Section 1101.1 We are required to document why it is we consider the client may properly be regarded as a Corporate Finance client .
3 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
4 This is required where the client can not be regarded as a corporate finance client or where a mainstream regulated service ( ie stand alone general ( ie non-specific ) investment advice or investment service ) is provided .
5 If a client can not be regarded as a corporate finance client it does not mean that we can not act on his behalf .
6 The firm must be satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client .
7 There are no specific tests to enable the firm to be ’ satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client ’ .
8 The general approach of the Firm in interpreting the ICAEW rules as to being ‘ satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client ’ is that consideration must be given to the client 's knowledge and experience appropriate to the specific activity to be undertaken — ie both the investment activity for which we are advising and the business activity in which the target operates .
9 EDITOR 'S NOTE : We must document on our files why it is we consider that the client may be regarded as a corporate finance client .
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