Example sentences of "aug. [adj] it [was/were] report that " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
2 On Aug. 12 it was reported that a lawsuit had been filed against Henri Emmanuelli , President of the National Assembly ( lower house of Parliament ) , for alleged misuse of public funds [ see p. 39023 for Le Monde report ] .
3 On Aug. 10 it was reported that over 47,000 commercial licences had been issued since the relegalization of small-scale private enterprise in February [ see p. 37252 ] .
4 On Aug. 13 it was reported that a Manila judge had dismissed 11 of the 39 charges against Marcos on the grounds that the government 's de-regulation of foreign exchange dealings had removed the court 's authority to hear charges relating to currency violations arising from the overseas bank accounts held by Marcos .
5 On Aug. 28 it was reported that Patten was to visit China on Oct. 12-14 , when it was expected that he would have talks with Premier Li Peng and other officials .
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