Example sentences of "bury [pron] [noun] in his shoulder " in BNC.

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1 It was a full two minutes before he pushed firmly into her and felt her envelop him , felt her bury her face in his shoulder , heard her gasp , a little pain , unused to him being there , then the gush of warmth , love and pleasure .
2 She came over and put her arms round him , knelt in front of him and buried her head in his shoulder .
3 When she saw he was awake she made a sound that was half a sob , and buried her head in his shoulder .
4 Gabriel made an inarticulate noise and buried her head in his shoulder .
5 She buried her face in his shoulder to hide her blushes .
6 Gratitude washed over her in a warm wave , sending fresh tears to her eyes , and she buried her face in his shoulder , moved beyond words by his understanding .
7 With a sob , Theda flung her arms about his neck and buried her face in his shoulder .
8 Biting her lip , Ruth tightened her arms about his neck and buried her face in his shoulder .
9 With a soft sigh she buried her face in his shoulder , wishing she could simply stay there forever , warm , cocooned , protected from the outside world .
10 His arms went round her and his lips found hers , and this time when the world fell apart and the sky came crashing down , she clamped her lips together and buried her face in his shoulder and said nothing .
11 Oh , Ross — I 've been so stupid , and I love you so much , ’ she whispered , burying her face in his shoulder .
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