Example sentences of "outside the scope of this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several variations exist which reduce this time scale such as studying the approach to equilibrium , using short columns , or meniscus depletion techniques can be employed but all are outside the scope of this text .
2 A computer would therefore come within the meaning of product but computer software will be outside the scope of this part of the Act .
3 Fitzroy Maclean was sent off to Persia , and his exploits there fall outside the scope of this book , although he was employing skills learned with the SAS .
4 The urethral syndrome is really outside the scope of this book , indeed whole books themselves have been devoted to it .
5 Perhaps the most difficult problem to be coped with ( apart from grammar and syntax which are quite outside the scope of this book ) is that of semantic shift — the new meanings which Classical words acquired in medieval times , sometimes making them unintelligible to readers who remember only fragments of the language from their schooldays .
6 Such methods are outside the scope of this book , but those who are interested in reading more about them will find relevant books in Suggested Reading on p. 141 .
7 The exact form of Economic and Monetary Union was settled at Maastricht with an ‘ opt-in ’ provision for the UK ; whether ( and , if so , when ) the UK will in fact opt in is an intensively political subject outside the scope of this book , although it should be noted that the CBI favours such a union in principle .
8 The extremes of the age range , children and old people , are outside the scope of this book .
9 Here again I can quote Graham Greene , though he was writing in this instance about the thriller , which is outside the scope of this book .
10 The suspense novel stops short of the pure thriller , a kind of writing that falls outside the scope of this book , but it is not always easy to say just where the line should be drawn .
11 A consideration of the form and effectiveness of this response falls outside the scope of this book , but is should be emphasised that the international context in which large companies operate is also of central importance to the control of companies domestically .
12 While a detailed consideration is outside the scope of this book , it is Important to appreciate the relationship between the built environment and the demand for new housing .
13 A detailed assessment of the majority of the SSAPs is outside the scope of this book , except for SSAP2 which is discussed below and SSAP9 which is discussed in detail in Chapter 12 .
14 The wider issue of the extent to which the judiciary may naturally favour certain types of values is outside the scope of this book .
15 Such work is important , but it is outside the scope of this book .
16 There are other , unusual defences , but these are outside the scope of this book .
17 Many of the intricacies of the law of designs have little relevance to computer technology and a complete discussion of the rights is outside the scope of this book .
18 A full description of the work of the EC in relation to intellectual property is outside the scope of this book but the main provisions and effects are summarized below , including mention of the future implications .
19 A detailed analysis of the sale of businesses operated under licence or franchise is outside the scope of this book .
20 There are factors outside the scope of this book which a tribunal may consider and thereby reduce the amount the employee is awarded .
21 If the Transfer Regulations do not apply , but it is the transfer of a business as a going concern , the position is governed by the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 ( although a discussion of this Act is outside the scope of this book ) .
22 When one caller transgresses this line of demarcation , asking the presenter Dolores what she thinks of a terrorists ' kidnapping , she replies ‘ That would be a little outside the scope of this programme Charlie , there 'll be experts commenting again in the morning to tell you what to think of it , why do n't you talk to me about yourself … ’ ( 80 ) .
23 Transitional relief — a system for phasing large increases or reductions — is outside the scope of this article , but may have affected liability since revaluation .
24 So far as this is no more than a cost-cutting exercise it falls outside the scope of this article .
25 The ethical issues raised are , however , outside the scope of this article , which aims to outline the relevant physiology of the immune system , the clinical application of interleukin-2 , its toxicities and the nursing care necessary to facilitate early medical intervention .
26 Edwards , in his book on in-service training , excluded short courses held by outside bodies as being ‘ properly outside the scope of this study ( although they deserve a mention because they are commonly used to supplement in-service training ) ’ .
27 Fishbourne ( Cunliffe 1971 ) is an important site here : although many of its mosaics are very early , and so outside the scope of this paper , it provides invaluable insights into the origins and development of British mosaics at a time ( c. 75 A.D. ) when the majority of designs were borrowings from the continent and native schemes were just emerging .
28 All but the smallest corporate investors will be non-private customers and hence outside the scope of this rule .
29 Partnership arrangements between a college and a company or companies might encompass a range of activities , including skills-updating courses , supervisory management and intensive language tuition for example , which fall outside the scope of this chapter because they do not impact directly upon the 16–19 age group .
30 Capitalism , being patriarchal , socially constructs sexuality within a heterosexual framework ( the inter-relationship between capitalism , patriarchy and heterosexuality is outside the scope of this chapter , unfortunately , but is overdue for socialist analysis ) .
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