Example sentences of "president of the board of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The measure of 1932 , which marked profoundly the discussions leading up to the Act of 1944 , was bitterly resisted ( especially in Wales ) and led the president of the Board of Education to argue in the Commons that secondary education should be reserved for ‘ selected children , the gifted and the intellectual ’ from whom ‘ we expect leaders of industry and commerce in the coming generation ’ .
2 Butler became President of the Board of Education in July and saw the purpose of a discussion on the Book as being ‘ to sound for shoals , as it were ’ .
3 R. A. Butler , as president of the Board of Education , was the principal guest .
4 He was a Fellow of New College from 1930 to 1937 , when the Warden was H. A. L. Fisher who had been President of the Board of Education under Lloyd George during and after the First World War ( and who deserves a book to himself ) .
5 In 1916 , H. A. L. Fisher , the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield University , was appointed President of the Board of Education , with the promise that ‘ money would be found for ambitious educational measures ’ .
6 This interdepartmental Committee on the Medical Inspection and Feeding of Children Attending Public Elementary Schools was appointed in March 1905 and was , in the words of the minister responsible , Lord Londonderry , ( President of the Board of Education ) not to be ‘ at liberty to make far-reaching proposals that the Unionist party would decline to support ’ .
7 Thus , despite the formalization of a system of state subsidy with the foundation of the University Grants Committee , any fears that university autonomy might be lessened were considerably allayed by the known attitude of the President of the Board of Education , H. A. L. Fisher , enshrined in his dictum : " The state is , in my opinion , not competent to direct the work of education and disinterested research which is carried on by the universities . "
8 For example , in December 1938 Ben Smith , MP , wrote to the Board of Education warning that on the evidence of the evacuation rehearsals of September 1938 there would be a sufficient number of ill-clad or poorly-shod children to hinder the successful operation of the scheme ; but in reply the President of the Board of Education , Earl de la Warr , blandly denied that this would be so .
9 Probably the loudest chorus of complaint came from North Wales , where Liverpool children had been billeted : thus Lord Wyndham ( Civil Defence Regional Commissioner for Wales ) wrote to the President of the Board of Education on 25 October 1939 that :
10 As the new President of the Board of Education , R. A. Butler , put it , in delightful contrast to his officials ' rather ponderous concern , ‘ Children are human and if they run about too much do n't put on weight .
11 R. A. Butler believed the Education Act that was introduced and passed during his tenure as President of the Board of Education was a major change , in the direction of making Britain educationally ‘ one nation , not two ’ .
12 In 1944 R. A. Butler , the President of the Board of Education , enacted a new Education Act which gave aid to Church schools in a new compromise and made provision for the raising of the school leaving age to fifteen at the end of the war and to sixteen at some date thereafter .
13 Sir John Sinclair , President of the Board of Agriculture , had Ward paint his ‘ Alderney ’ at his estate on the Isle of Thanet .
14 The two men were prosecuted in connection with the fraudulent bankruptcy of a finance company , Trans K-B , of which Kopp was president of the board of directors .
15 Molesworth 's chairmanship of the Select Committee on the Downing Street Public Offices Bill must have been one of his last acts as First Commissioner of Works , as on 21st July , 1855 , Palmerston promoted him to be Secretary of State for the Colonies , and appointed the President of the Board of Health , Sir Benjamin Hall ( 1802–67 ) , in his place .
16 Lord Edward Henry Stanley , the eldest son of Lord Derby the Prime Minister , had been President of the Board of Control and in September 1858 was appointed by his father to be the new Secretary of State for India .
17 Gladstone and Russell became Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary respectively , for the second time , and Sir Charles Wood , a former President of the Board of Control , became the Secretary of State for India .
18 However , both the president of the Board of Trade , Sir Stafford Cripps , and the Dominions Secretary , Lord Addison , thought that the fifth freedom clause went against policy as agreed with the Commonwealth .
19 He apparently wishes the official title of Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to be dropped in favour of the archaic President of the Board of Trade .
20 In 1947 the president of the Board of Trade in Attlee 's Labour government , a young and aspiring politician called Harold Wilson , agreed to grant special export licences to Russia for two Rolls Royce jet engines , the Nene and the Derwent .
21 William Huskisson , President of the Board of Trade , was run down and killed at Parkside on the inaugural run of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1830 .
22 Cripps , at that time President of the Board of Trade , had long had a penchant for machinery-of-government matters and had been active as a minister in the wartime Coalition on reconstruction committees established to consider the issue .
23 The health of individuals apart , overload was not a severe problem in the early fifties , as Lord Thorneycroft , at that time Mr Peter Thorneycroft , an energetic and successful President of the Board of Trade , recalled in an interview with Terry Coleman more than thirty years after Churchill 's retirement .
24 As the young secretary of the War Cabinet 's Manpower Requirements Committee , he had learned his craft from Bridges and Beveridge ; he was President of the Board of Trade and in the Cabinet at the age of thirty-one ; he had a sense of history , he was numerate and he knew all the tricks of political manipulation and presentation .
25 A similar fate had befallen Tony Crosland , President of the Board of Trade , a year earlier .
26 In due course , she entered government as the wife of the President of the Board of Trade in the first Labour administration ( where her social background came in useful advising less elegantly born wives on ‘ clothes and curtseys ’ when visiting the Palace ) .
27 Will Gordon Brown be shadow chancellor , Tony Blair shadow home secretary , and Robin Cook shadow president of the board of trade ?
28 Mr Heseltine , President of the Board of Trade , admitted the Government had ‘ got it wrong ’ , but said he would not be resigning .
29 Union lawyers may sue the President of the Board of Trade for failing to act on a judge 's ruling that the shutdowns were illegal .
30 Mr Field is hoping to meet President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine and Prime Minister John Major to discuss the issue .
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