Example sentences of "able [to-vb] a [adj] amount [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will only be able to absorb a certain amount of information at a time .
2 It was found that a glass surface … is able to absorb a detectable amount of helium … from the atmosphere ( my italics ) during only a single day 's contact with the air . ’
3 Despite the much-needed rain , schools have been able to play a substantial amount of cricket before turning to address the examiners rather than their opponents .
4 There appeared to be considerable potential ; but before these videos could be used extensively a robust video player and viewer would be required , able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling .
5 Those who feel able to give a certain amount of care should sort out with doctors and social workers the conditions on which they feel able to offer it , and the extent of care they can give , before they accept responsibility .
6 Rather than all the rare qualities discussed , the person serving young people in the latter part of the century needs to be able to work in a no-nonsense way with young people , to be a good manager prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds , to ensure that staff are able to devote a generous amount of time to users of the services in groups and as individuals , and to ensure that there is a good stock of books and other materials to explore .
7 You want the weight to stay off and you also want to be able to eat a reasonable amount of food after the diet without putting on weight .
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