Example sentences of "increase the proportion of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some companies are making strenuous efforts to increase the proportion of women at all levels of employment .
2 Such a modest objective perhaps seemed prudent given the way the issue of how to increase the proportion of women at the very top already seems to have run into so many brick walls .
3 The EC responded to some of these concerns by offering to increase the proportion of grants to loans ( in order to ease the ACP countries ' debt commitments ) , to allocate funds to short-term structural adjustment rather than to long-term aid projects ( to help ACP countries overcome acute balance-of-payments and other problems ) , and to relax the regulations on the rules of origin for manufactured products ( with the aim of encouraging industrialization in ACP countries ) .
4 Aim to increase the proportion of carbohydrates in your diet rather than the sheer volume .
5 This increases the proportion of hydrocarbons with stronger and more compact molecular structures in the petrol and so raises the octane value .
6 Grachev 's remarks also included proposals to increase the professionalism of the army by reducing the length of service and increasing the proportion of volunteers to conscripts .
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