Example sentences of "committee of [art] [noun] of ministers " in BNC.

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1 On the same day , a mojaheddin radio station reported that bloody intra-Parcham clashes had broken out in Kabul between supporters of Najibullah and those of Sultan Ali Keshtmand , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers .
2 Also on Feb. 19 Mohammad Hassan Sharq resigned as Prime Minister , and on Feb. 21 Sultan Ali Keshtmand ( Sharq 's predecessor as Prime Minister ) was appointed Chairman of a newly created Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers [ ibid . ] .
3 Sultan Ali Keshtmand , hitherto Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers , was appointed First Vice-President on May 6 .
4 Following the withdrawal of Soviet troops , completed on Feb. 15 , 1989 [ see p. 36448 ] , a state of emergency was declared and a 20-member Supreme Council for the Defence of the Homeland , headed by President Najibullah , was announced on Feb. 19 [ see pp. 36449 ; 36656 ; 37043 ] ; a newly created Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers was appointed on Feb. 21 , and in May 1990 a new Cabinet was presented [ see p. 37453 ] .
5 The government 's socio-economic policy was unveiled at a joint press conference on Feb. 17 by Prime Minister Jan Olszewski , Acting Head of Ownership Transformation Tomasz Gruszecki and Jerzy Eysmontt , Minister Director of the Central Planning Office and Chair of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers .
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