Example sentences of "there be [adv] denying [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever criticisms may be made of the STV there is no denying that it has proved viable in its own fashion in twenty-two general elections in the Republic of Ireland .
2 Whatever you can make of equation [ 9 ] there is no denying that it is a differential equation , not so very different in its way from the differential equations that Newton and Maxwell had used when they had created the fundamental basis of classical physics .
3 She was awfully fond of her husband , of course , but there was no denying that their own lovemaking had become just a little predictable .
4 There was no denying that she 'd caught his interest .
5 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
6 Paul wanted to retch , and at the same time felt his member thrusting against his clothes ; there was no denying that he had wanted this , when all was said , for a long time .
7 There was no denying that his penetration of my mind , using my eidetic memory to distort the relation between representation and that which was represented , was strident , aggressive even .
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