Example sentences of "it is hardly surprising that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the time amber had reached the head of the Adriatic it was readily accessible by sea and it is hardly surprising that Kakovatos on the west coast of the Peloponnese should have yielded the richest find of amber from this period in Greece .
2 It is hardly surprising that Jean-Baptiste Pierre-Antoine de Monet , le chevalier de Lamarck remains a rather shadowy figure when we learn from Alphaeus Packard , his would-be biographer from Brown University , that he ‘ left neither tomb , nor letters , nor manuscripts ’ .
3 Apprentices could be sanctioned by neither , and in the general sense it is hardly surprising that resort to corporal punishment was so common .
4 In view of all this , it is hardly surprising that Domesday Book reveals a country in which the church was in places a mighty landowner .
5 This , together with the political dimension , means that it is hardly surprising that problems such as the inner cities tend to be defined and redefined over the years .
6 Given this type of evidence , it is hardly surprising that TV addiction is associated with low achievement in school .
7 In the light of Iraq 's generally accepted air superiority , it is hardly surprising that Iran had frequent recourse to its artillery , particularly at Basrah , the one large population centre within easy range .
8 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
9 These permanent passes are vitally important to the security of the Empire , and it is hardly surprising that fortresses guard these strategic points .
10 It is hardly surprising that horses , accustomed to brushing through well-worn fences , should find these brand-new , hard-packed ones uninviting .
11 Given that the CJA 1982 gave magistrates the powers of Youth Custody sentences of up to a year , and that these sentences increased by 67 per cent in the first year of its operation , it is hardly surprising that Taylor ( 1982 ) found that 43 per cent of black youth defendants opted for crown court trials .
12 It is hardly surprising that Jacky Lee does not remember too much about the finer points of the 1958 Open at Royal Lytham and St Annes , because one horrible moment — actually quite a few seconds — has almost brought about amnesia !
13 These distortions are the very essence of prejudice , and it is hardly surprising that conflict with Peter had arisen .
14 Because of this lack of contact it is hardly surprising that systems and policies do not immediately have the intended effect when related , often through an education officer , to the schools .
15 So it is hardly surprising that John Cranko , already a ballet pupil , although of very limited experience , was able to make himself useful when the two Cape Town companies had seasons in Johannesburg towards the end of 1943 .
16 Elected in 1978 , it is hardly surprising that John Paul should see his task as the re-establishment of order and confidence on pretty traditional lines , though his charismatic personality shown forth throughout the world in an unending series of exciting international tours for a time almost concealed what was going on .
17 It is hardly surprising that Eddery is upset by the decision .
18 Given that the market has ceased to be an effective mode of regulating the exercise of the economic power of the company it is hardly surprising that arguments employed to regulate the exercise of public power should have been drawn upon to regulate the private economic power of corporate managers .
19 It is hardly surprising that Gamble concludes that " there is only limited evidence that there have been significant discontinuities in economic policy-making caused by the adversary positions adopted by the parties " .
20 With this background , it is hardly surprising that consumer confidence remains close to rock bottom ( see graph below ) and the consensus forecast for consumer spending growth is at +1% for 1993 , compared with -0.2% for 1992 and -2.1% for 1991 .
21 Top performers jealously protected themselves from all types of misrepresentation , so it is hardly surprising that record companies did n't try it on .
22 Given the well-documented existence of widespread discrimination against black job-seekers it is hardly surprising that levels of unemployment within the black communities are substantially higher than those for white people .
23 It is hardly surprising that marketing efforts in the 1930s had typically concentrated on other appliances .
24 Mr Waite added : ‘ Because of the volatile complexity of the situation it is hardly surprising that rumours continue to circulate regarding individuals who were alleged to be connected with the hostages .
25 Mr Waite added : ‘ Because of the volatile complexity of the situation it is hardly surprising that rumours continue to circulate regarding individuals who were alleged to be connected with the hostages .
26 Despite having come a close second to every junior side in the county at least once over the years , as the senior side in the tournament it is hardly surprising that Athletico should have done remarkably well .
27 In view of this heightened activity it is hardly surprising that medicine should be given credit for the decline in mortality ( e.g. Griffith 1926 ) .
28 It is hardly surprising that health authorities and hospital managers were calling for the immediate introduction of capitation funding for fundholders as a means of stemming losses from their budgets .
29 So it is hardly surprising that nablabs are seen merely as a distress purchase .
30 Given such an approach it is hardly surprising that relations between pacifist and Communist opponents of the war during 1939–40 proved difficult .
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