Example sentences of "it is certainly true [that] the " in BNC.

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1 While it is certainly true that the central core never issued a single agreed programme , a considerable degree of cohesion does emerge from an examination of their critical writings , and an impression of shared novelistic values is suggested by their willingness ( to a greater or lesser extent ) to appear on the same platform at conferences on several occasions and to accept , however grudgingly , the ‘ nouveau roman ’ appellation .
2 More neutrally it is certainly true that the range of courses we offer continues to increase .
3 It is perhaps overstating the case to say that motorists can speed with impunity in residential areas , but it is certainly true that the limit is widely disregarded and rarely enforced .
4 It is certainly true that the huge costs of new model development , including the cost of meeting higher environmental standards , have forced many European car manufacturers to collaborate or merge .
5 It is certainly true that the priorities favoured by one style of management have no guarantee of being upheld by another .
6 It is certainly true that the climate for attracting new recruits to the professions is not improved by continued reporting on the doom and gloom aspects of working in the NHS .
7 TNC has been strongly attacked for taking a very narrow and old fashioned view of the curriculum as a collection of subjects ; and it is certainly true that the more sophisticated thinking of HMI on these matters appears to have been disregarded .
8 It is certainly true that the individual is more sensitive to particular types of influence at some developmental stages than at others , but to say that tells us little , either about the extent to which the period can be shifted or about the reasons for the increased sensitivity .
9 It is certainly true that the Cournot and Stackelberg equilibria in general involve smaller welfare losses , and lower levels of excess profit , than would be the case if the firms acted as a joint profit-maximizing monopoly or cartel but , none the less , contingent on market parameters , allocative inefficiency could still be quite large .
10 It is certainly true that the location of care is changing .
11 It is certainly true that the actions of the CIA and M16 were important .
12 It is certainly true that the large amount of rock dust given off from dry-drilling machines , " widow makers " , gave rise to an upsurge in the incidence of respiratory diseases — notably silicosis .
13 It is certainly true that the Spey engines have proved an outstanding success .
14 It is certainly true that the value of the firm is equal to the sum of its assets .
15 And it is certainly true that the surveying profession was outraged at the ‘ Flynn system , ’ as it was soon called .
16 It is certainly true that the most active social science departments gave rise to the approach to social science which became associated with participant observation , the more extensive use of the survey method as a means to examine attitudes and personality and , last but not least , the modern sociological use of the survey as a tool for the development of theory as in variable analysis .
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