Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] of hearts [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But in my heart of hearts I know I can not telephone him .
2 To compete , I suppose , Malc had his ego ( and other parts ) massaged between the sheets and in my heart of hearts I knew his affairs were superficial — of the genitals rather than the heart — and during one of our deep analytical discussions on the subject , he admitted that he could n't wait to leave his lover 's bed and get home once the act was over .
3 In her heart of hearts she still suspected that it was , but the charmed garden of Sebastian and his friends opened to her so easily , so seductively , that what could she do but step inside ?
4 And in her heart of hearts she knew that the sight of him , the sound of his voice , would demolish the wall she was trying to build to separate the present from the past .
5 In her heart of hearts she had blamed Paul for his unrelenting pressure , but it was her own weakness , her failure to stand up to him , that was responsible for the situation .
6 In her heart of hearts she had wondered if she might be frigid .
7 Frankie often joined his classmates in taunting them because of their poor homes or absent fathers , yet in his heart of hearts he envied them all .
8 No matter how long he waited or how often he looked up to see who the latest arrival was , he knew in his heart of hearts it would n't be his son .
9 In our heart of hearts we know that we will all die .
10 In your heart of hearts you know yourself to be incapable of such mutuality , such abandonment of self — ’
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