Example sentences of "in [noun] all [prep] the country " in BNC.

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1 The international nature of the profession means that you can work in many major centres all over the world , and in offices all over the country .
2 This was the pattern in wetlands all over the country until the Reformation .
3 But on any one day , although there will be subject assessors beavering away in places all over the country , their activity is not very visible unless you happen to teach in a department being visited ; the rest of the staff in your own college or school may be unaware that a subject assessor is there .
4 One only has to look at the diminishing casts in productions all over the country .
5 Since Ormesby was formed , thanks to a handful of enthusiasts , he has competed in tournaments all over the country .
6 If you are so concerned with the kindly nurture of infants , I suggest you turn your journalistic — conscience — to those children begotten by inadequate stupid parents being reared in appalling conditions in slums all over the country .
7 In hospitals all over the country , doctors will help incurably ill patients by withdrawing antibiotic treatment . ’
8 But the battle to preserve beloved solitudes flared up repeatedly in patches all over the country , precisely as it does today with the threat of new airfields and military training areas .
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