Example sentences of "a question mark over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is still a question mark over the availability of the multi-talented Neil Doak , who played scrum half in the cup final two seasons ago .
2 There 's still a question mark over the efficiency of the crash barrier which brogught about the death .
3 The Danish and French referendums on the Maastricht treaty have put a question mark over the future of the European Community .
4 It could even put a question mark over the future of England captain and selector Graham Gooch , whose fitness and discipline regime have become a hallmark of the current side , and which Gower has had some difficulty fitting in with .
5 The arrival of Keown at Arsenal would put a question mark over the future of Steve Bould , although Graham has in the past employed a three-man system at the heart of the Highbury defence to great effect .
6 After a considerable delay , the government has agreed to implement the Griffiths ' recommendations , but in the meantime health services have remained overburdened and unable to care for many older people , and there is a question mark over the future of geriatric care as a result of the 1989 White Paper on health services .
7 For the first time since the process of unification began it placed a question mark over the future of Kohl , who had made 14 campaign appearances and admitted that the result represented a " bitter defeat " .
8 Dr Clark said , however : ‘ This must put a question mark over the future of one of the Vickers ’ plants , either in Newcastle or Leeds . ’
9 ‘ All I can say is that it will end with a question mark over the future .
10 Millichip refused to be drawn further and then fudged the issue by saying : ‘ This does not mean there is a question mark over the manager but we have to examine the situation . ’
11 These disparities throw a question mark over the accuracy of social costs data .
12 In the intervening period between Maastricht and the further stages , the Prime Minister and the Government must face the fact that , if they are standing apart , they will put a question mark over the prospect of further investment and further development .
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