Example sentences of "of a whole range [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for the Department of Employment said : ‘ This was not a one-off study , but part of a whole range of studies undertaken for the Department by the SCPR .
2 The negative failure to object , or to opt out , may signify one of a whole range of reactions : fear or prudence in the face of power , indifference , paralysis of the will , sullen resignation , sheer hopelessness , a feeling of ignorance , or habits of subservience .
3 Secondly , there has been some recognition that unemployment and job creation should be the concern of a whole range of agencies and departments , not just the DED and its off-shoots .
4 It is practical activity that is important ; the handling of a whole range of materials .
5 This was achieved , however , on the basis of enormous subsidies — both direct in the form of support prices and indirect in the form of a whole range of grants and allowances — which sustained a high-cost agriculture when judged in international terms .
6 At one level , market economics involves gross simplification and , in particular , misunderstands the nature of and essential need for the political process in the provision of a whole range of goods ( public goods ) such as education and health [ Shonfield , 1984 ] .
7 The agenda for reform on this issue is made up of a whole range of possibilities .
8 Soft solder is of course an aid to artefact manufacture as opposed to a raw material for overall construction , and is one of a whole range of alloys with more specialised applications in metalwork .
9 But on top of that one must then look into the future , the future supply of such properties , and the future o er of a whole range of issues which may occur locally and which can only really be decided by the district councils in their local plan work .
10 Churches are only one example of a whole range of buildings becoming redundant , which includes railway stations , textile mills , hospitals and great naval dockyards .
11 Schools have to attempt to satisfy the conflicting demands of a whole range of individuals and groups .
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