Example sentences of "be all over bar [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The princess 's sadness was there for all to see and one guest remarked when they returned : ‘ The marriage is all over bar the statement . ’
2 Meanwhile back in the gym … it 's all over bar the shouting
3 So it 's all over bar the play offs … a season that 's brought a rollar coaster of success and survival for our local sides .
4 It was all over bar the peeling off of clothes and the mopping up of mascara .
5 Dot had been right all along and Mrs Parvis wrong when she 'd insisted that it was all over bar the shouting .
6 In the afternoon he had a 34 for the first nine and I thought it was all over bar the shouting .
7 Now they were holding awkward , sometimes acrimonious meetings , badly managed and very sad , because they knew it was all over bar the shouting .
8 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
9 It was all over bar the shouting .
10 Swindon probably felt it was all over bar the shouting .
11 George , wisely , did n't try to compete with guest Gary Moore and simply strummed his way through While my Guitar Gently Weeps as Moore 's Les Paul sobbed inconsolably — but by then it was all over bar the cheering .
12 Suddenly it was all over bar the doubting .
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