Example sentences of "the whole range of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He read the whole range of papers on most days , and was appalled by their cynical and gleeful exploitation of Callaghan 's faltering stand against what was labelled ‘ mindless militancy ’ at Labour 's grass roots .
2 the whole range of concepts concerning inner states of all kinds and their elaborations and meanings ;
3 Moreover , answers for small loans were concentrated very much at the short-repayment-period end of the scale , while answers for large loans were spread more evenly across the whole range of options from 6 to 36 months .
4 It was the biggest exercise of its kind mounted by Courtaulds , with questionnaires so far going to 15,000 employees across the whole range of operations in the UK , continental Europe , United States , Latin America , the Far East and Australasia .
5 One could talk about many other areas of improvement : the huge 68 per cent increase in real spending ( over and above inflation ) by Government on community care services since 1979 ; the 29 per cent increase in real spending on the whole range of benefits for elderly people ; or , in a completely different field , the improvements in public transport which have , for example , seen the number of rail passengers increase by 14 per cent .
6 For them the whole range of feelings of shock , disbelief and anger come into play .
7 Feminism 's concern with sexual politics extends into the whole range of representations of sexuality , masculinity and femininity , from advertising to pornography — it intervenes in the culture and in so doing seeks to change the ways in which men and women inhabit their masculinity and femininity .
8 The series aims to make a modest ‘ distance learning ’ contribution to meeting the needs of teachers working with the whole range of pupils with special educational needs by offering a set of resource materials relating to specific areas of the primary and secondary curriculum and by suggesting ways in which learning obstacles , whatever their origin , can be identified and addressed .
9 Assessment based on Statements of Attainment will need to take into account the whole range of abilities to be found in any Statement of Attainment and the context — task and type of historical content — in which attainment of these abilities is being shown .
10 For these reasons the term has been chosen for use in the title of the present book and throughout the text to denote the whole range of children from those who are totally blind through to those who possess useful but impaired vision .
11 Furthermore , each child learned at a different pace in every subject area and this pace was uneven , reflecting the whole range of influences upon the child external to life in school .
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