Example sentences of "spring [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And then they would spring down with a howl and rush to embrace her .
2 He sprang out of the car and was banging on the front door .
3 Throughout these crucial years of twentieth-century growth , the many colonial countries that had provided so many natural and human resources for the Western machine began to demand an independence of their own , fired by the very principles of democracy that had sprung out of the Enlightenment and inspired the French and American revolutions .
4 I saw people springing up from the ground and letting down ropes out of the sky , boarding red buses , jabbering in English .
5 ‘ Because , ’ said Damian Flint , ‘ when antagonism springs up between a man and a woman , it 's really just a fight for supremacy .
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