Example sentences of "tends [prep] [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is in these situations , particularly following a public inquiry into a case where a child has died , that poor co-operation tends to be most exposed .
2 The tone of these programmes tends to be relentlessly promotional , but the occasional clip might be useable and it 's a source worth investigating if you are short of materials .
3 A horse that pulls with his ears forward tends to be just eager .
4 Timing is good ; this tends to be particularly noticeable in recordings such as the Keith Jarrett interpretation of Bach 's Goldberg Variations , which has superbly organic style that is pulled this way and that , but which never spoils the music or prevents it from working .
5 To recap then , there are two ways in which some awareness of credit costs may influence people 's shopping : their subjective impression of comparative costliness , which tends to be reasonably realistic ; and their objective awareness of interest rates and so forth , which tends to be sketchy , and — given American experience — even with increasing familiarity after implementation of Consumer Credit Act quotations and advertising regulations is likely to remain divorced from their actual understanding of the cost of individual credit transactions .
6 Similarly , in both spoken and written English given information tends to be grammatically subordinate to other information .
7 It tends to be rather concentrated and is n't really the one we want .
8 There is also a large and venerable literature on the nature and purposes of higher education , which rings with names such as Newman , Veblen , Ortega y Gasset , and Jaspers [ see Powell 's bibliography ( 1966 , 1971 ) , and there have been many more recent examples but such writing likewise tends to be rather general , and only by extension addresses the question of what is to be taught in curricular terms ; but see Goodlad 1976 ; Barnett 1985 ] .
9 Whilst most teachers would view with distaste the ascription of such ‘ global ’ traits to whole groups of children on the basis of class ( Nick , being working class , tends to be rather slaphappy ! ) , or race ( Anne 's an immigrant , immigrants try so much harder ) .
10 The research however does not take into account the readers ' literary competence and the analysis of the responses tends to be rather impressionistic .
11 At the moment the presentation of the palaces tends to be rather plain and unimaginative .
12 Central administration tends to be heavily bureaucratic and it is interesting to speculate whether the deserving would be better served and the abuses of the modern system better curbed if the administration was returned to more local control .
13 It is understandable that society should demand to be protected from the risk of recurrence of a violent or sexual offence , but at present society 's response to even modest degrees of risk tends to be overly repressive and restrictive .
14 Old , or unearned , money tends to be neither acquisitive nor outward-going , whereas new money tends to be both .
15 The creation of these new consumption needs by TNCs tends to be neither random nor arbitrary , but structured in terms of a hegemonic world view .
16 The major problem here is that their image of what this community consists of tends to be markedly different from that of the local population .
17 Firstly the training tends to be too narrow and secondly profit is the primary goal .
18 The method is applicable to gases and crystals , but vibrational relaxation in liquids tends to be too efficient to preserve the simplicity inherent in fluorescence from a single excited vibronic level .
19 As it stands , the statement , it says , ‘ tends to be too superficial in its arguments in support of principle and too detailed concerning specific application ’ .
20 The obvious disadvantage of trade listings is the limited detail in entries , which tends to be too sparse to support a reliable selection decision .
21 They have a long history of use in planning practice , there is a wide measure of consensus about their use in control and , where covered by policy , it tends to be as broad , flexible statements in structure or local plans , amplified in detail in supplementary planning guidance .
22 This type of hair tends to be naturally dry and prone to breakage , so it requires special care .
23 Moreover , cancer associated with strictures tends to be more advanced ( 76% stage D , 24% A and B ) than that which does not produce strictures ( 18% stage D , 59% A and B ) .
24 The father tends to be more affectionate in his relationship with his daughter , and the mother is more affectionate towards her son .
25 My work tends to be more durable than artistic .
26 However , the radius of commuting tends to be more circumscribed , so that conflict between local residents and incoming urban dwellers has taken other forms .
27 In practice , the model tends to be more stable inverted , since the rotor downwash is not corrupted by the drag of the fuselage .
28 Some information can be gleaned , although it tends to be more sketchy .
29 Equally a group with a wider range of talents in its midst tends to be more effective than a group with a narrow range of talents .
30 The reaction to milk tends to be more persistent , but most children who are sensitive to milk as babies can drink it once more by the time they are three or four .
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