Example sentences of "tends [to-vb] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The theory proposed by Bueche tends to suggest a very clear-cut distinction between the movement of chains of length less than c and the relative immobility of the entangled chains with lengths greater than c .
2 Moreover , Arabic tends to use a relatively small number of conjunctions , each of which has a wide range of meanings which depend for their interpretation on the context , thus relying heavily on the reader 's ability to infer relationships which are only vaguely alluded to by the writer .
3 Becker , on the other hand , who tends to use a more open-ended style of interviewing , has argued that the interviewer should sometimes ‘ play dumb ’ and pretend not to understand what is being said , in order to prompt the respondent into saying more .
4 The other end of the scale the erm Sun gets much of its editorial exclusives and material often running to five or six pages erm by covering the Royal Family erm in terms of language in that in the language used , the Sun erm tends to adopt a very simple writing style of one adjective erm sorry one verb and a number of adjectives with a couple of nouns , tends to be sentence went off around ten to twelve words and the design is also quite interesting because they like to sort of leave things out so you have a paragraph in normal type and then a paragraph in bold with big splodges next to it to highlight it .
5 The court tends to adopt a relatively liberal attitude towards extensions of time for commencing arbitration ( Patel v Peel Developments ( South ) [ 1992 ] 30 EG 88 ) .
6 Because of the emphasis on good care rather than biological bonds , this school of thought tends to hold a fairly favourable view of good substitute carers and to wish to strengthen their position vis-à-vis the natural parents .
7 There is always a certain mismatch between belief and experience , because the latter is untidy ; it comes to us without our asking for it , while the expression in words of our interpretation of experience tends to have a more clear-cut , fixed character about it .
8 Try to avoid the high fat Indian-type meal and also Italian food , which tends to have a very high calorie and fat content .
9 On the one hand , people look for a low instalment amount ( which of course tends to mean a relatively long repayment period ) ; on the other , they look for a short repayment period ( which tends to mean a relatively high instalment amount ) .
10 On the one hand , people look for a low instalment amount ( which of course tends to mean a relatively long repayment period ) ; on the other , they look for a short repayment period ( which tends to mean a relatively high instalment amount ) .
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