Example sentences of "roots [prep] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Grass is the main crop , supplemented by the odd field of oats , barley , or roots for the winter feeding of breeding stock .
2 In Joseph 's absence , one of White Bird 's young men , Wahlitits ( Shore Crossing ) — whose father , Eagle Robe , had been murdered by settlers two winters before — had trampled some drying kouse roots during a horseback parade .
3 The roots of the Willie Johnson drug scandal had been firmly planted .
4 Secrets of the Mangrove ( rep ) : Marine life among the roots of the mangrove tree .
5 Philip worked a flat stone out of the earth by the roots of the beech tree .
6 Tin , as in so many Cornish tales of wealth and exploitation , lies at the roots of the Robartes family fortunes .
7 Behind them the rock face is bound together by the rope roots of the fig tree , and on the hillside above them are ravines thick with flowering Cape chestnuts ; above that level there are hillsides of succulents and , even higher , alpine pastures and more cliffs .
8 Kava is made of the ground-up roots of the kava bush .
9 Other projects seek to involve health professionals , from both private and government institutions , in humanitarian work and in organizations that seriously examine the nature and roots of the health crisis .
10 For example , goose pimples are formed on the upper arms and legs when the roots of the body hairs contract , trapping a layer of air to provide insulation .
11 It is interesting also that this scheme goes back to the roots of the Elim movement .
12 The roots of the World Tree were shaken by his writhings , and the old Gods stirred and marched out to Ragnarok .
13 Mrs Stych clutched her groceries more tightly to her bosom and tried to heave her high heels out of the roots of the Frizzell grass .
14 Involving people directly in decision making about forest development , and in their active management , recognises the social , political , and economic roots of the forest crisis .
15 It is interesting also to note that ‘ … people give the roots of the Petasites vulgaris , which abounds , to the cattle in winter ’ .
16 Congress , trades councils are the grass roots of the trades union movement .
17 As with the continuing strength of localism and authoritarian government , the roots of the succession problem lie not only in the fragility of the new states , but also in the legacy of pre-colonial societies .
18 Oxygen supplied to the roots via the reed stems encourages this bacterial process .
19 Water is brought into the leaf from the roots via the xylem vessels , which in the leaves themselves form part of the veins .
20 The actuarial profession has its historical roots in the insurance industry and insurance companies still employ nearly 60% of the Institute 's Fellows .
21 These groups had deep historical roots in the opening months of the First World War , which had seen the renewal of the sources of criticism of the radical right against the Liberal government .
22 VR began life thanks to the research into simulated realities carried out by NASA and , perhaps due to its roots in the defence industry , not everyone is as enthusiastic about VR as Leary and Lanier .
23 It was a strong and diverse movement which originally had its roots in the hippie communes and the pop lyrics of the earlier Sixties , but had , by the end of the decade , encompassed so many political and social causes — particularly in America — that governments had a full-time spy network , through the likes of the FBI , the CIA and Scotland Yard 's Special Branch , keeping tabs on its leaders .
24 The outer concourse in glass and iron had its architectural roots in the exhibition halls of the nineteenth century .
25 We have always remained faithful to our roots in the trade protection movement and we take pride in the fact that we have maintained our independence for one hundred and fifty years .
26 Quick wit and cleverness at school had shifted him quickly from his roots in the Belfast underclass , and his natural proclivities had led him to the theatre set , a wee bit of acting and extra-work from time to time , usually as a gunman or a thug and once , memorably , as a rather well-fed hungerstriker .
27 Since a firm intact skin is essential , both to exclude infections and prevent the contents from drying out , it is usual to leave roots on the soil surface for a few hours to harden their skins .
28 The film showed him finding his roots on the John Major Heritage Trail in Brixton and then , after he had hauled himself up by his bootstraps , helping to run the world , confident and determined , with large and capable hands .
29 Though considered a floating plant , it frequently puts down roots to the tank bottom , and relies on nutrients both from the water and the substratum .
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