Example sentences of "assumed [conj] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The content of their syllabuses was largely , though indirectly , in the hands of the universities , through the local examination boards , and it was assumed that a good school , even if comprehensive , would manage to get a reasonable number of O and A level passes and send a proportion of its pupils on to higher education .
2 This was the first hard evidence that a change in the advanced courses was on the way although , ever since the development at National Certificate level , it had been assumed that a major change in the advanced level would follow in due course .
3 It has traditionally been assumed that a gradual decrease in intensity of Hercynian folding has resulted in the stratigraphic relationships observed within the late Carboniferous .
4 So it should be assumed that a similar number of those who changed in the ‘ right ’ direction were similarly ill-informed about their new choice , and just happened to end up in the ‘ right ’ group by chance .
5 Although the Eleventh Directive does not define ‘ branch ’ , it is assumed that a European Court would interpret a branch according to the definition in the Bank Branches Directive , which is much narrower than ‘ a place of business ’ .
6 Glanville Jones ' ideas were based initially on studies of medieval Wales , where it was formerly assumed that a dispersed settlement pattern of pastoral farms had been the norm .
7 It is normally assumed that a given variable would have remained constant in the absence of integration .
8 It is assumed that a given complex of qualities owes its " individuality " to its completeness .
9 Why should we have assumed that a little thing like a gunfight in the street would attract attention ?
10 In the innermost pit , if the work of the scientists in the H area had been successful , it would be assumed that a nuclear explosion would generate a heat in the core of tritium/deuterium of one hundred million degrees Centigrade .
11 Up until this point we have assumed that a referential locus is quite generally available for property words , not only adjectives in fact but also adverbs : ( 8 ) Philippa comforted her lovingly the referential locus of the adverb is that of the verb ; and the referential locus of the verb in turn is the entity of the subject phrase ; that is why a sentence like : ( 9 ) the drink comforted her lovingly is unacceptable , despite the fact that lovingly can co-occur with comfort , while comfort is compatible with drink .
12 It is generally assumed that an individual candidate has little influence on voting behavior : party is the decisive factor , though the candidate can have some impact .
13 We have assumed that an unemployed individual must either continue being unemployed or become employed ; withdrawing from the labour force is not an option .
14 This distinction has been widely overlooked in modern missionary strategy to the extent that when a church has resulted in a particular country , it has been assumed that an adequate base for evangelisation has been established .
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