Example sentences of "stand [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
2 For the government , acceptance of central planning did not stand or fall on the issue of nationalisation .
3 While difficulties in calculating harm may impede the application of the ‘ harm-to-others ’ principle , the regulation of insider dealing should not stand or fall on the fact that proof of harm is difficult to acquire .
4 It seems that the case for elaboration , and thus for the Withington-Barton Farm-Woodchester order of development , must stand or fall on the implications of the stylistic inter-relationships of the pavements themselves .
5 It 's a business enterprise and will stand or fall as a business .
6 The Conference decided " that the leaders of the next Labour Government and the Parliamentary Labour Party be instructed by the National Conference that , on assuming office , either with or without power , definite Socialist legislation must be immediately promulgated , and the Party shall stand or fall in the House of Commons on the principles in which it has faith " .
7 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
8 Nonetheless the parties may stand or fall by the evidence as disclosed in their witness statements , although a witness will always be free to give evidence in relation to new matters which have arisen since the statement was served on the other party .
9 The school has an outstanding and deserved reputation , which will stand or fall by the testimony of its pupils .
10 I 'd rather stand than sit on the Kop , and it 's obvious that certain of Shankly 's thoughts and methods are still considered and used .
11 He would stand and stare into the darkness trying to see the old ruins of Caesar 's time , but not tonight , the mist was too thick .
12 A Shamen show is designed so you do n't just stand and stare at the band : and though the live act might be the heart of the show , the spectacle of Colin ( cropped Aberdeen curls , Trotsky shades ) , and Will ( shoulder length braided locks , shabby green fatigues ) is only part of an evening of light , music and effects that now involves around ten people .
13 You could almost stand and wait for a horse to deliver .
14 In the most dreadful weather he would stand and wait in a wet grove of ash and hazel for a shot at a woodcock .
15 Some mares will actually stand and paw at a paddock fence because they want to get to a stallion that is a couple of paddocks away — consequently they are likely to cut a leg or rip off a shoe if the bottom wire of the fence is too close to the ground .
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