Example sentences of "believed [prep] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Any attempt to generalize about the English village is therefore regarded as an affront : bland uniformity is an attribute of the urban population , but the English village is believed to be resistant to any summary .
2 Such enzymes do exist — they are known as reverse transcriptases — but they are generally believed to be exclusive to RNA viruses , which need them to transcribe their RNA genes into DNA for replication inside cells .
3 Both are shortened in CD4 ( which does not dimerize ) relative to the classic V domain , but in sCD2 the CC' loop is shortened and the FG loop is greatly lengthened. β- Bulges in the C' and G strands , which introduce a distinctive twist to these strands , are believed to be crucial to V domain dimerization .
4 THE DECISION of Eamonn Barnes , the Irish Republic 's Director of Public Prosecutions , not to bring explosives charges against Patrick Ryan is believed to be due to the refusal of key witnesses to testify against him .
5 The protective effect of HDL against atheroma formation is believed to be due to the HDL 2 subfraction ( Miller et al , 1981 ) .
6 This is believed to be due to the complex organization of their centre-surround mechanisms .
7 The considerably higher relative biological effectiveness or quality factor Q of alpha-particles is believed to be due to the fact that the dose is delivered over short tracks in tissue along which ionization is dense .
8 The impasse in the latest round of negotiations was widely believed to be due to continued French opposition to US proposals for a cut in the volume of EC-subsidised cereal exports .
9 Pregnancy is often associated with two definite gall bladder abnormalities — namely , reduced gallbadder contractility which is believed to be due to raised progesterone concentrations , and the development of biliary sludge .
10 The discrepancy was believed to be due to the fact that a proportion of the PCBs evaporate naturally when exposed to air as part of the treatment process .
11 The decline is believed to be due to a combination of excessively dry summers in 1989 and 1990 , strong winds in late 1990 and a late frost in spring 1991 .
12 But his company is believed to be close to appointing advisors for a flotation in New York .
13 We might finally note that the court is able to rely as an aid to discovering intention on the proposition that what no reasonable board could have believed to be beneficial to the company , the actual board could not have believed either , or , in other words , that where the means adopted could not on any reasonable view lead to the end of benefiting the company , the directors could not have been motivated by a desire to achieve that end .
14 The population is believed to be similar to Darlington 's and there is a technical college devoted to metal work .
15 Institutional investors who include Schroders , Prudential and Phillips & Drew Fund Management are believed to be opposed to a rights issue .
16 More generally in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England and Europe , children , livestock , milk and crops were believed to be vulnerable to the witchcraft of jealous neighbours .
17 Unlike serious pollsters , the brewer 's flaccid organ fails to report the size of the sample of Scousers interviewed but it is believed to be adjacent to the number of fans at a Tranmere Rovers away match .
18 Britain and two were believed to be new to science .
19 The Secretary of State , Dean Acheson , warned the American mission in Seoul on 13 April 1949 that information had been received from a source believed to be reliable to the effect that serious trouble might arise in Korea within two months and that the initiative in these developments would be taken by South Korea .
20 The ideal female nude is thus seen as a triumph of form and expression ; a realisation of qualities which are believed to be intrinsic to the female body .
21 It finds its way to the outside world via the water system and it is believed to be harmful to animals .
22 USL is believed to be near to an unprecedented agreement with Apple for the Macintosh interface .
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