Example sentences of "meant to [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was meant to be a dry run for a much bigger event in September .
2 A genuine higher education is unsettling ; it is not meant to be a cosy experience .
3 It closed a few years ago , they could n't knock it down because it was meant to be a prime example of nineteen thirties architecture .
4 ‘ It was meant to be a supportive stake , ’ its chairman Jim Davies says .
5 He had given a picture of religion , which represented it as primarily concerned with guilt , with taboos against incest , and as er , representing the origins of civilization in primeval societies like those of the Australian Aborigines , and Freud erm , remarks in the opening pages of Civilization and Discontents that Totem and Taboo was never meant to be a complete theory of religion .
6 Coal flecked bacon and sausage will be a sharp reminder of reality in what 's meant to be a complete surrender to fantasy .
7 It 's odd by current supercar standards because as BMW 's 300bhp V12 engine was never meant to be a stressed item — it is carried in a subframe sling — but otherwise it looks like it could be built tomorrow .
8 Well she 's meant to be a real bitch anyway .
9 The summer that was meant to be a grandiloquent celebration of Spanish glory and its new role in Europe and as a bridge to Latin America is turning sour .
10 I raise my glass to Victor , and give what 's meant to be a shamefaced grin but probably looks like a careless .
11 On a February day in 1306 Bruce arranged what was apparently meant to be a conciliatory meeting-at the Greyfriars ' monastery church in Dumfries .
12 ‘ When we started off it was meant to be a serious underground label and we thought we 'd just do a couple of thousand .
13 Biff Vokins looked up from his desk — this was meant to be a private study period — and gave an enquiring glance .
14 It was meant to be a jocular observation but even as I said it I knew that I had transgressed some important Gyggle taboo .
15 Also , with all the genuine turning to God by leaders and people — here , and perhaps even more in South Africa — this part of the world is surely meant to be a turning point in the ideological power struggle .
16 ‘ I thought this was meant to be a friendly chat not a bloody interrogation . ’
17 What follows in part two is not meant to be a gloomy cataloguing of specific doubts but a look at seven of the most common ‘ families ’ of doubt .
18 This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of possible situations ; the intention is to show how to tackle any distribution that occurs in practice .
19 Nigel Steen led Charles , with what was meant to be a lordly gesture , into the study next door .
20 And this , I mean , this is n't meant to be a good band anyway , is it ?
21 The biographer of Edward the Confessor shows us ( in what is meant to be a panegyric ) the picture of a thoroughly idle king , who spent much of his time ‘ in the glades and woods in the pleasures of hunting ’ .
22 It is beyond doubt that the service was meant to be a social institution with aims in addition to those of an economic nature .
23 The quotation here is based on the edition of Pearl by E. V. Gordon ( Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1953 ) , originally meant to be a co-operative venture with Tolkien ; and I would translate it as follows :
24 They were meant to be a pro group while we were just starting out .
25 He flashed Charles what was meant to be a frank smile .
26 Henson has done a lovely job of placing his famous characters in the novel 's context while never letting us forget that this is meant to be a huge extravaganza .
27 Probably because for a while he was meant to be a wild child around the Hollywood hills .
28 I was one of the bowlers asked to provide the cannon fodder to the big international batting stars on what was meant to be a fun day out .
29 Was it meant to be a chuckling advertisement for his own sensibility ; a tease about the gritty , unpolishable surface of the desert ; or might it just have been a joke on us ?
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