Example sentences of "wished he [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He pushed the door open and wished he had asked for a candle .
2 He wished he had danced with her .
3 He wished he 'd hung from the rail and reduced the distance , but that would have taken several seconds to set up and his pursuer had already been half-way across the room .
4 As it happened Paddington was having trouble about what to buy the Brown family for Christmas and he wished he 'd thought of it himself .
5 Wary of causing further commotion , Jack said OK and found to his astonishment at the end of the service that the question had not been ‘ Do ye want a lift ? ’ at all — not at all , at all as they say in the Emerald Isle — but ‘ Do ye want to lift ? ’ , and as he staggered along on his then-arthritic hip bearing the coffin with five other pall-bearers , he kind of wished he 'd stuck to ‘ No thank you , I 'll walk . ’
6 He wished he 'd stuck to Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi .
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