Example sentences of "tells [pers pn] that [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 No one will buy British food because somebody tells them that it is better than their own .
2 A gardening friend tells me that it is possible to grow pineapples from their tops , but I have no idea how to do it .
3 It comes in the evening after a busy day and tells me that it is past my bed-time .
4 He tells me that it is a dead cert , we can make an absolute killing by taking a percentage of the profits , and charging pitch holders a rip-off rent .
5 M ; y niece , Alison , tells me that it 's very much ‘ the in-thing ’ to be ‘ going solo ’ these days .
6 A niece of mine living in tells me that it 's picking up slightly , the property market .
7 Well she tells me that she 's going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring er dun put er Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job .
8 She tells me that she is not naturally brave or independent .
9 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
10 Mike tells me that there is a remote possibility we may have misjudged you after all , so why do n't you try spinning me this fairy-tale ? ’
11 His Mother tells me that he is of a mechanical turn , and I know that he has made some progress in mathematics .
12 AUTHOR Jeffrey Archer tells me that he is still signing his name ‘ Jeffrey Archer ’ in his books , rejecting the easy option available since his peerage of signing just ‘ Archer ’ .
13 Fairfax tells me that he is a suitor , eager to lay claim to a girl who is now only eleven .
14 If the stick becomes obstructed that tells you that there is a diversion and you must dig at that point to determine the new direction .
15 ‘ If anyone tells you that there is n't prejudice they have got to be lying ’ … .
16 erm I do n't know if anybody 's noticed , but before half past 8 in the morning and after half past 5 you get screaming night bells around the press , they 're not the blue phones , they 're the emergency phones , it 's the little square sort of socket-like thing above most of the corridors , and that screaming away tells you that there 's an outside caller ringing 56767 .
17 A flashing heart tells you that it 's working and the numerals show your pulse rate in beats per minute ( bpm ) .
18 Oh , that tells you that it 's alive , does nit ?
19 He probably tells you that it is all arranged at this end , whereas in point of fact nothing has been laid on except by verbal arrangement with him , and then we have a frightful period such as is now going on .
20 It tells you that it is reported very crisply , very briefly .
21 It does n't matter if the child grows up to be an adult whose logic tells him that he is n't stupid ; if those words have been repeated often enough , he will never have the confidence to realise how much he knows or to make proper use of that knowledge .
22 The child 's subconscious reaction remains the same and , unless careful understanding is given to him at each stage of his growing up , he will spend the rest of his life in such a way that he reinforces that self-image which tells him that he is not worthy of receiving love .
23 If he disturbs a trespasser , for example , and tells him that he is about to use force to expel the intruder , there is no doubt that the intruder realises that he is being threatened , and that violence is about to be used against him .
24 An infant at eight months who retrieves a completely-occluded object has made a major advance in understanding the appearance-reality distinction , at least on the plane of action , because he now knows that , although the perceptual input at one time tells him that there is no rattle in his reachable space , really there is .
25 Ann Macpherson knows that her son is troubled , and he tells her that he is under pressure from Jacqueline .
26 In the house , he thanks Suzie and tells her that he is grateful .
27 Conventional wisdom tells us that it is the lure of civilization that breaks up the old life , Tromø 's video games and bars pulling the Lappish kids down out of the forest into the town .
28 The first word tells us that it is systematic because ‘ whenever ’ means ‘ every time ’ .
29 As to the much discussed pearwood wall panels , Italo Rota explains : ‘ We were looking for a simple idea that would allow visitors who had already looked at a good many paintings to connect some of them with unfamiliar settings ; the art of memory tells us that it is easier to retain images in one 's head if one can link them to a specific space ’ .
30 Classic business theory tells us that it is increasingly difficult when the market begins to mature for new entrants to gain a significant position at a realistic cost .
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