Example sentences of "play a [noun] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , short-term increases in emissions due to increased space heating demands or increased traffic may also play a part in escalating pollution levels during stagnant atmospheric periods ( anticyclonic or high-pressure weather conditions ) .
2 The Shah told " Moustachio " that he had avoided a bloodbath and he hoped that this would mean that one day the monarchy could again play a part in Iranian life .
3 Gastric metaplasia and H pylori infection are prerequisites , but evidence exists that mucosal production of cytokines , H pylori specific toxins and other , still unknown factors may all play a part in possible ulcer formation in the duodenum .
4 Social services departments and voluntary bodies can help with a wide range of services and approaches : playgroups , money advice centres , family or women 's groups , nurseries , support for child-minders , counselling and case work , all can play a part in preventive work with families .
5 Acetylcholine ( ACh ) and the enzymes that hydrolyse and synthesize it ( acetylcholine esterase and choline acetylase ) are present in relatively large quantities in insects ( Smallman and Mansing , 1969 ) and it seems likely that acetylcholine is a transmitter at neuropilar axo-axonic synapses ; y-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) may also play a part in synaptic transmission in the neuropile .
6 Anthranoid-containing laxatives — aloe , cascara , frangula , and rhubarb — may play a role in colerectal cancer .
7 Carbonate sediment would provide a closer , though still imperfect , match , a reminder that deep mantle recycling and mantle plumes may play a role in long-term climate regulation .
8 This approach is already suggesting that genetically determined variation in the oxidative metabolism of alcohol may play a role in individual susceptibility to alcohol related liver damage implicating acetaldehyde an an important factor in disease pathogenesis .
9 Oct-3/4 is expressed in primordial germ cells , unfertilized oocytes and in the inner cell mass and may play a role in early developmental decisions ( 47 ) .
10 Minor buffering phases such as phlogopite and carbonates , which may play a role in low-degree partial melting of the mantle , have been invoked as an explanation for high U/Pb in areas of old continental lithosphere , but there is no obvious phase that will buffer K and Pb to produce the effect observed in Fig. 3 b , without also affecting Ba or Ti ; Ba/Ce ratios of central Atlantic OIB are in fact relatively uniform .
11 Such a mechanism could play a role in normal limb development , laying down a basic prepattern of cartilaginous elements : first one element , then two , then three , and so on .
12 Scientists can also play a role in improving energy efficiency in their laboratories .
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