Example sentences of "wondered if she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tallis wondered if she had undertaken her own form of self-mutilation .
2 ‘ You do n't forget the unforgettable , ’ he said , so softly that for a moment Merrill wondered if she had heard him correctly .
3 Susan did not answer at once ; in fact , she was silent for such a long time that Breeze , who could not see her face , wondered if she had fallen asleep .
4 She wondered if she had developed an early warning system since the fiasco with Marcus .
5 I wondered if she had poisoned him , that is all . ’
6 Nothing had been said between the two friends , and Ella often wondered if she had imagined a situation which did not , in fact , exist .
7 Ginny wondered if she had imagined the flash of panic on Barbara 's face .
8 ‘ I suppose you must , ’ Rose said reluctantly , and Theda wondered if she had imagined all might be settled at once .
9 Lindsey wondered if she had imagined the note of satisfaction in his voice .
10 Lindsey found herself shaking hands with a tall , fair-haired young man and wondered if she had imagined the tension which seemed to be sparking between the two .
11 Mrs Carson did not reply at once and Ruth wondered if she had gone too far and annoyed her mistress .
12 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
13 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
14 Puzzled , he wondered if she had gone upstairs to her children , which she did not do as a rule , and was about to ascend ; when from up there came a great cry , and the sound of a fall from the window .
15 Again Clare wondered if she had gone a bit too far , speaking so negatively about Gran 's novels , and being so emphatically against the trust .
16 She wondered if she had gone too far , so she turned to Mrs Chamberlin and said with real enthusiasm , ‘ Imagine !
17 She had decided on making her career in industrial nursing after leaving general nursing , even though at first she had had reservations and wondered if she had made the right move .
18 She also wondered if she had put him off by telling him of her previous engagement and how wary of love it had left her .
19 For the very first time , Caroline wondered if she had let her instincts mislead her .
20 Mungo wondered if she had left unspoken the remainder of the sentence : ‘ … unlike you . ’
21 He wondered if she had abandoned him for ever .
22 And immediately wondered if she 'd said the right thing , for Lubor wasted no time in asking , ‘ And what are you going to do today ? ’
23 Theodora wondered if she 'd heard Gilbert aright .
24 I wondered if she 'd moved on to another place in the forest without saying anything , but when I stood perfectly still , I could hear the rhythmic scratching of her karaso from behind some trees , and the occasional tearing sound when she accidentally caught it in the undergrowth .
25 He half wondered if she 'd arranged it ; women do n't get invited to these things as often as men .
26 As he poured the tea , Peter wondered if she 'd told James about how she 'd made a fool of him ; perhaps they had laughed at him together .
27 He put a hand under her chin to raise her face to his , so much the physician again that Leonora wondered if she 'd dreamed the kiss .
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