Example sentences of "glad that [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I was glad that we had not troubled him personally , though we confessed that we should like to have set foot in the flat .
2 With this drizzly weather we were stuck in Porto , and were glad that we had n't tried to cycle into town as the taxi sped through steep cobbled streets .
3 Afterwards I was very glad that we had n't , still being at an age to believe that there is something intrinsically precious in virginity , and I decided to carry mine intact to the altar .
4 He was glad that they 'd all decided to come .
5 Michael is pleased the programme will show that a family with a handicapped member can have a rewarding holiday — and equally glad that it does not try to disguise the difficulties .
6 The underlying attitude is perhaps that most people accept mentally handicapped people and are sympathetic towards them , but remain inwardly glad that it has not happened to them or to their children — ‘ there but for the grace of God , go I. ’ They also continue to believe the many myths surrounding the handicapped which have been passed on for decades .
7 She was also glad that she had not squandered the remaining money Mrs Gracie had given her ; from what Paul said it was going to be needed .
8 There was only one crumb of comfort ; she was very glad that she had not said anything about it to Connor .
9 She could n't remember seeing such a cheerful crowd queuing for the cinema , and she took pleasure in their high spirits ; but she was glad that she had n't gone to the pictures .
10 Actually , she was rather glad that she did n't have to talk … or listen to that deep voice which she found so compelling and disturbing .
11 She did not then wish us to meet and I am glad that she did not — for us in Greece it was a painful time because of Cyprus , and I should not have wished to keep this from her , or to be speaking of it .
12 ‘ The first chapter was enough , ’ snapped Mrs Frizzell indignantly , glad that she did not have to explain that she did not give much time to reading .
13 Sam was glad that he 'd never invited him to share Evelyn 's secrets .
14 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
15 Jaq felt profoundly glad that he had never studied in the school of Assassins .
16 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
17 He was glad that he did n't have along the customary Russian navigator which was the standard requirement for all private flights over Russian airspace .
18 ‘ I damned near killed you with my carelessness ! ’ she burst out suddenly , and she was glad that he did n't even look at her .
19 He found himself glad that he did not know the location of Surere 's hide-out .
20 I 'm glad that you got here so quickly . "
21 On these occasions you will often be glad that you did n't choose your bureau simply on the basis of either price of convenience …
22 You glad that I cleaned up ?
23 I feel so glad that I 've finally found something that works and am not confined to a life of bingeing/vomiting , etc .
24 He was just checking that I had n't left for good , was glad that I had n't , and was that real coffee he could smell ?
25 I was glad that I had not attempted to plan the whole programme in advance , as the Workshop developed under its own momentum , using and Communicative Grammar of English as a text and ground-plan .
26 I could only be glad that I had never spoken of my plan to Joe , when he was looking after me .
27 I was glad that I knew exactly where Nigel was .
28 But I was glad that I 'd finally had sex — it was a way of proving that my parents and Uncle Joe had n't destroyed my life .
29 Yeah I think so I must admit from one point of view I 'm quite glad that I have n't passed cos
30 I am glad that I did not miss that intervention , because it has contributed so much to the debate .
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