Example sentences of "glad that [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm only glad that we 'd made up , otherwise it could have been very awkward for me if Fran had refused to back up my story ! ’
2 I am glad that we have cleared the matter up .
3 This is an important change and I am glad that we have got away from the odious and patronising attitude of so many local education authorities — particularly Labour local education authorities — that say that one can not trust parents with objective information about how their children 's schools are doing .
4 Seeing how nature treats an inept hedgehog made me very glad that we have won the long counter-insurgency war with nature in the western world : but too weak-minded a reverence for nature is going to allow us to treat fellow humans as if they were hedgehogs in the shrubbery .
5 Was n't it possible that in years to come she and Susan , doomed to loneliness themselves , might feel very glad that they had done their best to make someone else less lonely ?
6 Timothy rose when Stephen and Kate did , glad that they had decided on refreshment .
7 He began to feel extremely glad that they had agreed to help the exiled Court .
8 It had been a rough race and Kelly had been glad that she had elected to be among the leaders throughout .
9 She was a little sorry for him , but also glad that she had improved her position since they last met .
10 Breeze was glad that she had mastered her momentary depression , as she was now able to run up and say goodnight quite cheerfully .
11 All the same , if it happened that David made her with child , she would bear the child proudly , and be glad that she had brought him a degree of happiness .
12 I ca n't say I felt any stronger when Beth left that day , but I was exceedingly glad that she had come and I was left with an inkling of hope .
13 As soon as they began to walk along the shops Owen was very glad that she had come .
14 I am glad that she has joined us for the debate .
15 We are all glad that she has arrived safely and has all her faculties !
16 Adam grabbed Billie and hid her behind the Audi , glad that he 'd chosen a four-wheel-drive Quattro .
17 No , of course he could n't ask just anyone , Ianthe thought , as she walked towards the bus stop , but she was glad that he had felt able to ask her .
18 He was glad that he had expressed to her , however blunderingly , what he felt .
19 He was glad that he had dismissed Palottino , although the Neapolitan had made it dear that he strongly disapproved of this mania for walking .
20 She avoided his gaze , glad that he had mistaken the real reason behind that shiver .
21 Willie was glad that he had come first .
22 He was glad that he had held her hand .
23 She glared at him in mock severity , glad that he had let the question drop .
24 ‘ Bad luck , ’ I said although for my own sake I was glad that he had failed .
25 I am glad that he has drawn the attention of the House to the situation in Scotland and to the law of Scotland , which in so many ways is superior to that of England .
26 I am glad that he did answer it , as I wanted to ask him this : has he learnt any lessons from the report , particularly those related to ability streaming ?
27 I 'm glad that you managed to visit the Muse/1e d'Orsay … wonderful building too .
28 Leeds are aggressive so you 're always quite glad that you 've beaten them but .
29 er actually who are all in front , mostly from Stanton which I represent , they have made their views known to me some years ago , er this might happen , erm I 'm very glad that you have responded now to their concerns as well as the concerns of the villages and , and this paper does mark significant erm success co-operation between a lot of people involved and for that reason I welcome it , I would ask if it becomes be prepared to make it six months instead of three months please .
30 I am glad that you have had orgies at Jay 's — I am jealous , but I can not hope to play if I want to work .
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