Example sentences of "glad [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had met both rivers previously on my travels , and felt glad to be present at their marriage .
2 Still , most of us were glad to be relieved of responsibility for our failing learners for a few months .
3 No doubt some of the same ‘ gentlemen ’ who could n't be bothered to remember their wives ' birthdays were equally glad to be relieved of the responsibility of remembering their mistresses ' .
4 Benedict himself , who had stayed the previous night , had driven himself over there in his phaeton , glad to be relieved of his cousin 's irksome company .
5 Oliver was very glad to be free of Mrs Mann 's violence , but he said nothing because she was angrily shaking her finger at him .
6 They were glad to be free of the flatboat and the smell of death that had been with them ever since the battle .
7 Corbett enjoyed the walk , glad to be free of the baleful , mournful atmosphere at Godstowe .
8 He was glad to be free of Godstowe and the cloying , hidden menace which seemed to permeate the place like sane unwholesome stench .
9 I took his word for it and we left , glad to be free of the ghastly place .
10 In a daze of ever-increasing passion , she barely noticed as he gently removed her clothes , suddenly glad to be free of them and astonished to find herself revelling in his softly whispered murmurs of delight , the fierce gleam in his grey eyes , before first his fingers and then his lips began tracing patterns of fire on her quivering flesh .
11 Once he had gone , Shiona sank down on to the bed and kicked off her shoes , glad to be alone for a few minutes .
12 Glad to be alone in her familiar little room later , Leonora forced herself to face the indigestible truth .
13 Some shivered in the cold breeze of change : others struck out boldly , with a sense of freedom , glad to be unencumbered by out-of-date gear and padding , glad to cast off notions that had never seemed to themselves to be smart or necessary : naked into the stream , exhilarated , the new emerging race .
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