Example sentences of "announced that [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , US West and IBM have announced that they are to move their business headquarters to the United Kingdom .
2 The Marquess of Blandford and his wife have announced that they are to seperate .
3 Burma , Laos and Cambodia have announced that they are to join the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) .
4 Still out in the Far East , Christie 's have announced that they are opening a jewellery department in Hong Kong , to be headed by David Warren .
5 Recently carriers such as MCI Communications Corp have announced that they are to adopt SNMP for management and agents .
6 A number of countries immediately announced that they were establishing diplomatic relations with Namibia ; these included the Soviet Union , China , Pakistan , Poland , East Germany and Romania .
7 The Princess of Wales has announced that she is to cut dramatically the number of public duties she performs .
8 On June 15 KKE secretary-general Aleka Papariga , who was from party 's conservative current , had announced that she was pulling the KKE out of the Left Alliance .
9 Much surprise was caused in the Swedish trade when it was later announced that she was to head a new educational publishing venture being set up by Sweden 's biggest publishing concern , Bonniers .
10 The Chief Constable of Gloucestershire has announced that he 's leaving his job to take up a new post with the intelligence service in London .
11 JELLO BIAFRA has announced that he 's considering issuing BODY COUNT 's ‘ Cop Killer ’ on his own Alternative Tentacles label .
12 Meanwhile , the Chairman of Hereford United has announced that he 's to resign .
13 JIM HICKEY has announced that he is to leave his post as director of Filmhouse in Edinburgh to pursue a career in film-making .
14 Mr Bryan Gould , the party 's environment spokesman , has already announced that he is standing for both the leadership and deputy leadership .
15 And by the time this magazine goes to press Mr Lang is expected to have announced that he is rejecting the Countryside Commission for Scotland 's detailed proposals for four Scottish national parks in Glen Coe and Ben Nevis , Loch Lomond , the Cairngorms and Wester Ross .
16 STOP PRESS Eric has today announced that he is joining Icelandic Second Division side Fram Reykjavik .
17 In December 1991 had Jawara announced that he was stepping down as President , a position which he had held since independence .
18 The next day Shamir pointedly announced that he was receiving large offers of money from Jews around the world .
19 In a bizarre twist in the saga of the failure of Supercomputer Systems Inc , the company last week announced that it had abandoned efforts to find new investors to keep the company alive — and then Steve Chen immediately announced that he was forming a new company that will seek to create the world 's fastest computer .
20 In late April Alfredo César the President of the National Assembly and ( like Godoy ) an open opponent of Lacayo , had announced that he was planning to introduce a bill to " review " thousands of land rights decisions made by the former Sandinista government .
21 After university it was announced that he was going into the armed forces .
22 He should have the grace to admit that he was wrong and the grace to clear up the muddle that has existed in his ranks since his colleague the hon. Member for Strathkelvin and Bearsden ( Mr. Galbraith ) recently announced that he was going to abolish fund holding .
23 Murphy , who was 39 last week , recently announced that he was making his original partner , Helen Cree , managing director , although he is staying as executive chairman to concentrate on growing the business , particularly in the financial sector , and improving quality .
24 Interestingly enough , after I 'd announced that I was going to do this , my very first clients were all the star names who had asked about the sound I got when I was playing !
25 Unfortunately , this week , IBM has announced that it is lopping $1,000m off its research and development budget , and indicated that turnover will slip back below $60,000m …
26 Mitsui OSK , Japan 's second-largest shipping company , has just announced that it is to close its tokkin accounts ( short-term stockmarket-punting money ) to help pay for its capital spending .
27 In advance of the annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) , the Icelandic government has announced that it is leaving the organization , having given the requisite six months notice .
28 With Rank Xerox having just announced that it is to set up its European research centre in the region in the autumn and the Euronews satellite channel destined for the area , Rhone-Alpes is maintaining its momentum .
29 Following the announcement in January that it had suspended production of the Cambridge and Linx brands , Wharfedale has announced that it is to discontinue Linx , though it will undertake to maintain warranty and spare parts support .
30 THE Independent has announced that it is calling on the Office of Fair Trading to investigate The Times for unfair competition .
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