Example sentences of "affected by [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CND had planned a number of marches in London for that summer but they were affected by a ban on all public processions ( other than those traditionally held ) in the Metropolitan Police District which was imposed for a twenty-eight-day period by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner , with the consent of the Home Secretary , under section 3 of the Public Order Act 1936 .
2 A third State is affected by a treaty as a matter of fact when the treaty necessitates it acting in some way in response ( even if its preferred response is to do nothing ) .
3 The principle of equal concern and respect would also entail an obligation for those in authority to provide those affected by a decision with reasons for it and appropriate institutional mechanisms for challenging it .
4 Mr. Collins said that any person whose interest are directly affected by a decision of a body acting in the public domain must ordinarily be given the opportunity of knowing what is alleged against him and of making representations to the decision taker .
5 It is first necessary to recognize that some financial assets are closer substitutes for money than other financial assets , and so are the more likely to be immediately affected by a change in the money supply .
6 Accounts of the problems of this region usually begin by pointing out that after the 1914 War the overheated heavy industries of the North East were severely affected by a change in market demand away from their products , that these problems were exacerbated by central government 's exchange policies , and that in consequence the integrated economic structure — the organized capitalism — of the pre-war and war years collapsed .
7 Of course , a rule permitting the directors to defend the company from a poorly-managed predator would be perfectly coherent ( and might be desirable ) , but this would not be because the entity has an intrinsic significance that merits protection , but rather because the rule would serve the rational purpose of protecting the interests of groups other than the shareholders who would be adversely affected by a change in control .
8 Thus output might be altered by a technological breakthrough , or by changes in the structure of taxation which affected the choice between work and leisure , or by changes in other real variables , but should not be affected by a change in nominal spending : such changes should affect the price at which the available output is sold and not the quantity of output itself .
9 In early June the price was affected by a story concerning price reductions in champagne .
10 However , some water experts argue that much of the investment needed in future is to meet higher quality standards and wo n't be affected by a fall in demand .
11 But even within the UK the popularity of bank financing over time has been affected by a variety of factors .
12 The non-university institutions have more mature entrants , more without formal qualifications , more from social classes III-V , their effective length of course is shorter , and they will be less affected by a switch to longer science and engineering courses than will the university sector .
13 Writing about the novel in 1 927 , Eliot stated that ‘ nearly every contemporary novel known to me is either directly affected by a study of psycho-analysis , or affected by the atmosphere created by psycho-analysis , or inspired by a desire to escape from psycho-analysis …
14 Occupancy in homes has been marginally affected by a downturn in the economy though businesses have generally continued to trade profitably .
15 Thus , a young person who has stayed long in care is affected by a multitude of factors .
16 The length of waiting lists is affected by a number of factors .
17 The condition and appearance of a rug can be affected by a number of factors other than age , and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that something is necessarily old because it is worn and in a poor state of repair .
18 The amount of real control and involvement that disabled people have had in the work of the project has been affected by a number of familiar issues .
19 Thus it may need to borrow money , and its ability to do so may potentially be affected by an attack on its creditworthiness .
20 The cost of sporting involvement may not , in most cases is not , realized during early phases , but , on reflection , many black sportsmen believe their academic results are badly affected by an overconcentration on sport .
21 It requires newspapers who wish to publish stories about a matter some aspect of which is affected by an injunction against another publication to apply to the court for guidance on whether their story trespasses upon the order in existence — a procedure calculated to give High Court judges a good deal of experience in editing newspapers .
22 Mucosal mast cells in the rat intestine are drastically affected by an infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis .
23 A senior judge , hearing a plea for damages made on behalf of a twenty-five-year-old man who claimed that his sex life had been seriously affected by an accident with a bulldozer , asked whether the plaintive was married .
24 The major sector to be affected by the removal of NTBs could well be small to medium-sized companies .
25 A magistrate , who , as a member of a licensing court and court of appeal , had taken part in a decision to grant no certificates for the sale of spirits within the burgh , was held not to be thereby disqualified from trying one of the applicants affected by the decision for trafficking in spirits without a certificate : Gorman v. Wright , 1916 S.C .
26 In international procedural terms this required level of intensity is , at least theoretically , satisfied when a State considers it has ‘ an interest of a legal nature that may be affected by the decision in the case … ‘ , while in treaty law the emphasis is on rights and obligations .
27 The pattern of trade in recent years has been much affected by the price of oil .
28 He estimated that half an average family 's budget was affected by the price of imported goods , and predicted that food , clothing , televisions and other appliances would become cheaper .
29 The Ramallah Congress delegation argued ‘ it should first be decided to allow the refugees to return , and once that is decided their actual return should not be affected by the discussion on the border question …
30 Thus fewer US vessels were responsible for killing an increasing number of dolphins between 1983 and 1986 , while boats sold abroad were not affected by the imposition of dolphin kill quotas .
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