Example sentences of "belief that [noun] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He made no secret of his belief that Britain would NEVER go back into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
2 North Korea and the Soviet Union could only have drawn encouragement in the belief that America would most likely not act with vigour if North Korea moved against the south to reunify the peninsula .
3 Ursula was clinging to the belief that Samantha would soon be released .
4 The occasional protests by staff through the years over pay and conditions had usually been dealt with quickly , abrasions salved and healed by the implicit belief that matters would eventually improve , if not tomorrow , then certainly by the day after — and that one was still having more fun than was to be had almost anywhere else anyway .
5 This remark , slightly sententious in a young man and in one whose production was pretty slender , was proffered in the belief that Eliot would immediately endorse it .
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