Example sentences of "supposed [to-vb] been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The patriarchs of that distant agrarian culture are supposed to have been motivated by the rights of farm animals to do what comes naturally to them .
2 The board was supposed to have been given to him by his uncle , an Hawaiian prince .
3 Elsewhere he referred to it as ‘ developing socialism ’ , differentiating it from the ‘ developed socialism ’ that was supposed to have been constructed in the Brezhnev era and still more so from the utopian vision of a society rapidly advancing towards full communism that had been current in the Khrushchev years .
4 As late as the 1960s the translations and imitations of Robert Lowell , who had sat at Tate 's feet , were widely supposed to have been validated by Pound 's precedent in this kind of writing , whereas in truth Lowell 's Imitations allowed themselves liberties such as Pound would never have condoned .
5 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
6 Many of them , for example , were supposed to have been born of a god and a virgin .
7 The earliest record of Prague is supposed to have been documented in the 9th century .
8 I am not sure whether John was aware of a tradition among some of his distant cousins that the family originated from Poland , possibly in a Count Cranko , romantically supposed to have been descended from the founder of the city of Krakow .
9 Road signs were supposed to have been erected at the mouth of the carriageway as soon as Benin 's car had passed through , warning motorists of an impending dynamite blast and rerouting them on to another section of the motorway .
10 The present building is supposed to have been erected in 1333 , when the church was made collegiate by Sir John de Heslerton and housed six chaplains and three clerks .
11 These cats were supposed to have been obtained by the Spanish captain from some unspecified source in the Middle East .
12 , endowed by the goldsmith to James VI and I. This magnificent Tudor building , supposed to have been based on designs of Inigo Jones , was begun in 1628 .
13 ‘ You can take it from me , Titron was supposed to have been melted off the face of the earth .
14 By now , almost eight years had elapsed since the birth of the Directive , and three years had gone by since the nitrate limits were supposed to have been complied with .
15 By Elizabethan times it was familiar in every garden , and frequently referred to in records of the 13th and 14th centuries , although officially it is not supposed to have been introduced until 1573 .
16 The Carlow Stone on the shore is supposed to have been hurled at the selfish inhabitants of the village by a giant .
17 Whether Leonard shares the old belief that the spice-box also honours Adam , who was supposed to have been bestowed with a ‘ higher soul ’ on the Sabbath , we can not say .
18 These wedges were then supposed to have been soaked in water until the rock split along the required line .
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