Example sentences of "claimed that he [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 He claimed that he had been ‘ the master of ceremonies ’ , but The Builder report indicates that this role was carried out by Tite , although if Scott 's previous conclusion was correct , Donaldson did organize the delegation .
2 When he was caught driving in January , Ironside claimed that he had been on his way to look at the possibilities of a council house exchange .
3 They next claimed that he had been responsible for a murder in Belfast which had received considerable publicity .
4 The employer refused to do this so Mr Bowles resigned and claimed that he had been constructively dismissed and that his dismissal was unfair .
5 In 1319 , for instance , the wealthy Genoese merchant Antonio di Pessagno , formerly seneschal of Aquitaine , claimed that he had been granted 3000 l.st .
6 Following his September release from a British prison after serving seven years of a 10-year sentence for a failed car bomb attempt in London in 1980 , Kourosh Fouladi , an Iranian citizen , claimed that he had been " subjected to various forms of brutal physical and psychological torture " by the UK police and security forces .
7 Lee claimed that he had been libelled in an article published in December 1987 dealing with the arrest earlier that year of a group of Catholic lay workers supposedly involved in a " Marxist conspiracy " [ see p. 37086 ] .
8 On July 11 a police corporal was shot dead during an unsuccessful attempt by 100 provincial police to storm the barricade ; some reports claimed that he had been killed in cross-fire .
9 On Nov. 22 a spokesman for the exiled Iraqi New Ummah Party claimed that he had been executed along with seven other officers for having attempted to depose Saddam Hussein .
10 Filshin claimed that he had been set up , and announced that he was resigning in protest at an " anti-democratic campaign " being waged by the KGB and " central Soviet structures " to discredit the Russian Federation government .
11 Wamwere 's lawyers claimed that he had been kidnapped from Uganda .
12 His predecessor , Expedito Ribeiro de Souza , had been shot dead on Feb. 2 ; police arrested a suspect who claimed that he had been hired by a local landowner to carry out the killing .
13 PRI political secretary Giorgio La Malfa claimed that he had been misled over the Cabinet posts by Andreotti " who I thought was a man of quality " .
14 Allegations of a government-sponsored campaign against the PPP [ see pp. 38152 ; 38338 ] grew after a former adviser to Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif claimed that he had been a member of one of two " election cells " created by Sharif 's Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) which had " rigged the 1990 elections by adding 20,000 bogus votes " in a number of constituencies to ensure the defeat of the PPP [ see pp. 37763-64 ] .
15 A day later he claimed that he had been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign , saying that his house had been under surveillance and that a carefully organized smear campaign had been waged against him , apparently concerning loans alleged to have been made to his petfood company several years previously .
16 Fares Misrati claimed that he had been tortured by Egyptian security forces .
17 Nabiyev , however , claimed that he had been touring the region to meet the population after recent mudslide disasters .
18 He claimed that he had been a valued ally of the US government but that President Bush had pursued a vendetta against him because he , Noriega , had refused to participate in efforts to overthrow the left-wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua .
19 Mellor claimed that he had been driven out of office by the tabloid press , which had pursued him since the discovery in July of his extramarital affair with an actress , Antonia de Sancha .
20 Local ANC members claimed that he had been killed by members of the Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) who were training Inkatha youths locally .
21 One " secret witness " , subsequently identified as a German of Iraqi origin , recanted his testimony during the trial and claimed that he had been forced to make a false testimony under duress .
22 Moreover , the head claimed that he had been able to use the appraisal to make a strong case against a proposed reduction of 7.4 staff , in line with cutbacks planned by the LEA due to falling rolls and reductions in spending .
23 The accused claimed that he had been granted permission by a supervisor to take scrap tyres from a certain firm .
24 Although Gundovald received open support from men who had fallen out with Guntram , or who had been left without a patron at Chilperic 's death , Theodore of Marseilles claimed that he had been ordered to receive Gundovald by Childebert 's magnates .
25 His decision was appealed and the parents claimed that he had been wrong to interpret the 1976 act in such a way as to exclude any case where a claim was made in respect of a person who was born alive but who died from ante-natal injury .
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