Example sentences of "identified a [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere in this book I have identified a range of features — phonological , lexical and grammatical — which are characteristic of " London English " or of " Creole " .
2 Studies by EC Commission staff in preparation for unification identified a range of issues needing special arrangements and transitional provisions .
3 The journalist Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd , continuing his indefatigable quest for the ancien régime , identified a clutch of MPs who owned country houses , including Paul Channon and Mark Lennox-Boyd of the Guinness dynasty ( the story goes that when Channon was selected for his seat in Southend , which had been represented by the family since 1912 , local advertising hoardings were proclaiming ‘ Have Another Guinness ! ’ ) .
4 Brooke and Remmers ( 1970 ) made a survey of 115 foreign subsidiaries operating in the UK , and identified a variety of reasons why overseas companies decided to create foreign subsidiaries .
5 Social psychologists have identified a variety of styles of influence used by managers attempting to affect outcomes .
6 Very recent taxonomic observations , though , have identified a population of pigs in northern Kenya and Somalia that may match this description .
7 We have identified a number of products which have tradeable potential , such as publications , image databases , herbarium microfilm , and CD-ROMs .
8 Yes , and then that approach was taken on through the Greater York study , and in the greenbelt local plan , and the Greater York study identified a number of sites .
9 Erm Ryedale District , as can be seen from the table supplied by Greater York , has taken the largest proportion of the Greater York housing element over the past ten years , as regards the proposed level of future housing growth suggested for the Greater York area , the District Council supports the figure in the structure plan , the Greater York study identified a number of sites around the Greater York area which could accommodate further development without compromising greenbelt objectives or adversely affecting the character of the settlements surrounding York , and within that part of Southern Ryedale within the Greater York area the identified sites were , by and large , incorporated into the Southern Ryedale local plan , which has recently been through the public enquiry , the District Council does not believe that a larger amount of land could be identified within Southern Ryedale , without compromising greenbelt objectives .
10 A joint task force identified a number of areas in which changes were needed — for example , requiring the auditor to attend stock-taking , direct confirmation of debtors and guidance on illegal acts — most of which have now been incorporated in the ISAs .
11 The agreement , based on the discussions of a tripartite committee of experts in Nairobi on Feb. 12-15 , identified a number of areas of co-operation including political , economic , social and border security .
12 Zernik [ 1989 ] has identified a number of shortcomings with existing lexicons in terms of ’ lexical gaps ’ ; such as :
13 The Labour Party , which supports the idea of parent governors , has identified a number of shortcomings in the present arrangements .
14 Elegant work on the nematode has identified a number of genes responsible for regulating the process , and in mammalian systems two proto-oncogene products have been shown to act as powerful regulators in the pathway .
15 Western research on this subject over the past 30 years has identified a number of gaps and weaknesses in Soviet official socio-economic data , as well as many statistical series which , it is believed , can be used ( sometimes with adjustments for comparability with Western figures ) .
16 The Munn Committee identified a number of problems with , and criticisms of , the traditional Scottish secondary curriculum , notably those arising from two major recent developments , the rapid expansion of comprehensive schools , and the raising of the school leaving age to 16 .
17 Livingstone and Wilkie also identified a number of factors leading to satisfaction , the most important of which were :
18 In training , Action for Cities identified a number of initiatives that were designed to improve access to and awareness of training services for those in the cities .
19 The first Plan identified a number of initiatives and the following progress has been made :
20 In addition , the group has identified a number of topics of particular interest .
21 Practitioners have identified a number of skills and attributes necessary to be successful including :
22 True , during his tenure Mr Conable quickly identified a number of themes — notably the environment and the role of women — that are now becoming central to development policy .
23 The National Children 's Bureau 's parent education and support project identified a number of trends affecting parents in the 1980s ; for example , the pressure on parents as a result of our increasing knowledge of child development and society 's high expectations of the parental role ; the tendency for professionals to undermine parents ' self-confidence with their expertise ; the isolation felt by many parents with young children ; the need for information and knowledge , for social and practice skills , and for self-awareness and understanding of how their values affect the way in which they bring up their children ( Pugh and De'Ath , 1984 ) .
24 As stand-alone workstations for routine word processing they remain perfectly capable of meeting most normal requirements , but we have identified a number of work-groups who would operate more efficiently with higher standard machines .
25 So we 've identified a number of standards which we work within , standards for operating system , for database and for user
26 Sir John Packington , speaking in the Commons on 8 December 1705 , identified a number of causes of this danger : the liberty allowed to pamphleteers to attack the Church and the clergy , the growth of Dissent and of Dissenting academies , and the practice of occasional conformity .
27 Although most respondents praised , or were satisfied with , this care the study identified a number of inadequacies .
28 Sager [ 1981 ] has identified a number of sublanguages that are sufficiently regular for this technique , and provides a methodology for the reliable identification of their constituent semantic classes .
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